“You…” she said as she lifted her head.
“I love you,” she breathed.
I wasn’t certain how I would respond if she ever directly told me she loved me. As odd as it seemed, and as strange as the entire circumstance felt, I responded from well within my heart. In some respects, I believe I knew long before we made love how I felt, but now, after the night we had together, and what we shared - some form each side of the spectrum of feelings - I knew my response was heartfelt.
I studied her as she gazed beyond me and toward the wall. Rain was so much more than what could be described as beautiful. Beautiful women typically caused men to do or say stupid shit, or ask them on a date when they didn’t even know anything about them. Rain was the type of woman who would cause a man to separate himself from family and friends for fear of losing one moment with her, rob a bank just to buy her a dozen roses, or even commit murder. Rain was so much more than even a once-in-a-lifetime woman. Rain was just, well, Rain. She clearly defined beauty, and every other beautiful woman on this earth was merely trying to mimic her.
“I love you too,” I said as I leaned forward and kissed her.
“I’m so glad you decided to love me,” she said.
I narrowed my gaze and cocked my head to the side. “Decide to love you? I didn’t decide.”
Her face immediately filled with wonder. “What do you mean?”
“Love happens. We don’t choose love, love chooses us. When the time comes, love taps us on the shoulder. I think as long as we’re not too preoccupied to feel the touch, love simply happens.”
“Interesting concept,” she said.
After a moment of staring intently at her face, and thinking about my feelings, I grinned.
“The three most valid points in our life are when we’re born, when we die, and when we fall in love. We don’t get to choose when we’re born, nor do we get to choose when we die. I don’t believe we get to choose when it is our heart decides to open up for another person, either. I certainly didn’t. If life were a book, being born would be the beginning, dying is without a doubt the ending, and falling in love the climax,” I said as I reached for the hair which had begun to obstruct her eyes.
I lifted the shiny strands high and released them onto her ear, allowing it to hold them from falling onto her face. As I became lost in her simple beauty, her lips parted slightly and she spoke softly in response.
“I don’t think falling is love is the climax. I think falling in love is everything in between,” she said.
Everything in between.
The thought of feeling the way I felt, and having the feeling remain until the last chapter of my life was heartwarming.
“I want that,” I said without consciously making the decision to speak.
I reached for her chin and tilted her head to face me. As our eyes met, I smiled. “The everything in between.”