Page 218 of S is for SEX


With my life in order and each subsequent day appearing as bright as the sun shining in through the bedroom window, I felt invincible. My future with Stevie may not have been etched in stone, but if I had my say in matters it wouldn’t be long until it was. As we struggled to convince ourselves getting out of bed was in our best interest, I stared up at the ceiling filled with gratitude for what my life had become.

“I still can’t believe it,” she said.

I tilted my head to the side. She had raised herself onto her elbows, and the comforter slid down to her waist. With her breasts bare and her purple hair draped down over the front of her shoulders, maintaining a civil posture was difficult.

“Believe what?” I asked as I glanced up at the ceiling again.

She turned her head to face me and rolled her eyes. “That you sold the company, Dork.”

I chuckled and shrugged my shoulders. “I gave it away.”

She rolled her eyes again, more playfully. “Whatever.”

“Are you disappointed?” I asked.

“Fuck no,” she responded as she pulled the comforter over her head.

As she burrowed underneath the blankets, she continued. Her voice was slightly muffled, but still intelligible.

“It’s nice being home with you in the mornings,” she said as she continued to situate herself.

After a moment, she was lying on top of me and my pajamas were on the floor beside the bed. With her chest on my hips and the soft fabric of her pajamas rubbing against my calves, she began to softly kiss my stomach. As I lifted the comforter to respond, she glanced up, winked, and reached between my legs.

After a few playful strokes, I was as rigid as a steel rod. Holding the comforter several inches over my chest, I watched as she situated herself over my hips and lowered her open mouth over the tip of my twitching cock.

As her mouth slowly worked up and down the shaft she maintained eye contact with me. Gazing into her eyes as she eagerly sucked my dick had become an odd pleasure of mine, but one I was incapable of enjoying for very long. Her ability to orally please me combined with the pleasure she obtained from doing so – all clearly seen while gazing into her eyes as she licked and sucked – was simply too much for me to take.

The eyes reveal a truth than words never may.

And her eyes revealed her joy in pleasing me.

Incapable of continuing to watch, I dropped the comforter to my chest and stared up at the ceiling.

“Watch me,” she said.

After speaking, she forced my cock deep in her throat until I felt her gag reflex convulse. I felt her warm saliva slowly worked its way down the shaft and onto my tight scrotum. A few seconds of her sucking my balls and licking my cock cleaned up what little mess she may have made, and she moved her mouth back to her main focus, the shaft. A few strokes of her mouth later, she lifted her lips from the tip blew against the head.

“I…can’t…” I breathed.

“You can. You’re a sex pussy,” she said.

I wrinkled my nose and lifted the comforter. “A what?”

She grinned, opened her mouth, and forced my cock deep into her throat. Maintaining eye contact the entire time, she forced it deeper and deeper until she gagged again. As she choked, her throat convulsed and her eyes went closed momentarily. After opening her eyes, she sucked heavily and lifted her head slowly.

“Sex pussy,” she said as she licked her lips.

“What in the world…”

“You’re afraid,” she said. “A pussy who’s afraid of sex. Sex pussy. I just made it up,” she said.

“I’m not a pussy of any sort,” I assured her.

“Watch me,” she said as she lowered her mouth playfully.

As her open mouth hovered over the tip of my cock, I tossed the comforter over her back.