“I fucking love you,” I said.
He brushed his hair back and smiled. “I love you, too.”
“What’s up with the socks?” I asked as I tilted my head toward his feet.
He shrugged his shoulders and grinned. “Guess I didn’t want to waste the time.”
“Nice touch,” I said.
He stepped to the edge of the desk and sat down. After twisting his upper body to face me, he gazed down at me and studied me for a long moment.
“You want to know something?” he asked.
“Sure,” I said as I resituated my chin into the palm of my hand.
“As a little kid, on my birthdays, when I blew out my candles…” he paused and shook his head lightly as if recalling the memories.
“Yeah,” I said.
“Well,” he said as he shifted his eyes to meet mine. “I never wished for any material things. It was never a Nintendo game or a bicycle or any other material object that I wished for.”
He eyes fell to the floor and stared blankly. “Every year I’d wish for the same thing. I’d wish for a friend. Year after year I wished for a friend to come, but I never got one.”
As my heart felt like it was breaking into a million little pieces for the pain he must have gone through as a child, he continued.
“Until now. You’re my best friend and you’re my lover. Thank you for sharing your life with me,” he said.
I opened my mouth, knowing if I actually spoke, I’d begin to cry. I mouthed the words “I love you” as my eyes welled with tears.
Wilson must have felt the exact same way. He bit into his bottom lip, nodded his head a few times as his eyes shifted along my naked body, and eventually he fixed his eyes on my face.
“I love you,” he said silently in return.
There are many men on this earth that have the ability to satisfy each and every one of us, but there is only one man who is a perfect fit. He’s the man who snaps into place and fills every awkward little void in our inner being.
And my perfect fit was sitting at my side.