“Sure means no.”
The truth was that I had become uncomfortably horny, and standing with him amidst 1,000 motorcycles was driving me insane.
I smiled. Kind of. “We can eat.”
He glanced over each shoulder and then looked at me. He raised both eyebrows. “What do you want to do?”
I twisted my mouth to the side and shrugged one shoulder.
He looked bewildered. “What?”
A response didn’t come to me. At least not at once. He must have sensed my desire to speak.
“Look,” he said. “If we can’t communicate with each other openly, we’re never going to--”
“I want to suck you off,” I whispered.
His eyes shot wide. “What?”
I nodded. “I want to suck you off.”
He grinned. “We’ll be back in about four hours, and then--”
I shook my head. “I want to suck you off now.”
“What? Now?”
I gazed up at him and offered a closed-mouth grin. “Uh huh.”
He looked left, and then right. He chuckled. “You an exhibitionist?”
“I told you. I really like sex. And, you look hot. I want it. In my mouth.”
As much as I liked sex, it wasn’t typical behavior for me. But. Being at a biker rally with a thousand bikers wasn’t typical behavior for me, either. And, just mentioning it to him had my pussy throbbing.
I cocked my head to the side. “Don’t make me beg.”
He looked to the right. “Brother Cholo!”
A muscular guy standing twenty feet away – who looked like he was guarding the motorcycles – turned toward Brad. He tilted his head back. “What is it?”
“Don’t need anyone creepin’ up on us for a few.”
He crossed his massive arms and lowered his chin. “You got it, Brother.”
Brad looked down at me. “Right here?”
We were standing between his motorcycle and Crip’s motorcycle. In each direction, there were motorcycles parked for as far as I could see. If we tipped one of them over, they would undoubtedly topple into each other, and domino until the last one was overturned.
“Yeah,” I said. “Right here.”
I motioned toward his crotch. “Get it out.”
He tried to hide his excitement, but couldn’t. “Where do you want me?”
I glanced around. And idea came to mind, but I was hesitant to mention it. He must have seen the mischievous grin I was trying to conceal.