Page 18 of S is for SEX

A grunt shot from her lungs each time I pounded my length into her. It was satisfying to hear her discomfort. I was finally getting a little get back for the bike, and the day she kicked my ass on the porch. In sexual bliss, I closed my eyes, clenched my jaw, and…




I arched my back, let out a cry, and had the orgasm of a lifetime.

Frustrated with my performance, or lack thereof, I let out a sigh.

“Everything alright up there?”

I opened my eyes. “Fuck you.”

“Catching your breath?”

“Fuck you, Tegan.”

“What happened? You pull a muscle or something?”

“I came,” I said, my response faint.

Still bent over, she cocked her head to the side and met my gaze. “Huh?”

“I came,” I said, this time even more faint.

“I can’t hear you.”

“I came,” I shouted.

“What time is it?”

I glanced at my watch and responded before I realized what she was doing. “12:04.”

“Wow,” she said. “Impressive. Maybe with a little practice, you’ll be able to last five minutes. At least this gives us a benchmark.”

I slipped my flaccid cock from inside of her, and flopped down on the couch cushion, embarrassed.

She stood from her downward dog position and turned to face me. Her mouth twisted into a smirk. “You might have been driving the train,” she said. “But you ran out of gas before you made it to the destination.”

“Just wait ‘till next time,” I said. “I’ll make up for it.”

“Oh, there’s going to be a next time?”

I nodded. “I hope so.”

“Good,” she said with a laugh. “Be sure to bring you’re “A” game. Because you’re going to need it.