Page 185 of S is for SEX

“You pick out he collar, too?” I asked.

She nodded her head. “They didn’t have a U.S.M.C one.”

I inhaled a shallow breath and gazed down at the pup. For a short second, I closed my eyes and gave thanks for everyone in attendance, but especially for the woman I loved, Sydney. I glanced upward and clapped my hands.

“Where’s the cake?” I chuckled.

“Didn’t bring you no cake, bossman. But I gots us some apple pies,” Junior responded.

Axton and Junior stepped aside, revealing three apple pies with candles in them. I hadn’t had a birthday cake since I was a kid. In many respects, I felt like a kid again. I turned to Sydney and shook my head.

“I love you,” I said.

She grinned and nodded her head. “I passed that stage a long fucking time ago.”

“Quit flirting with the girl and blow out these fucking candles, Toad,” Axton huffed. “I’ve got shit to do.”

I turned toward the flaming candles and shook my head. “Like what?”

“I’ve got a dog to train,” he responded.

I closed my eyes, inhaled, made a wish, and blew for all I was worth. Fucked up lung or not, I blew out every candle on the three pies.

I guess that means I’m going to get my wish…