Page 178 of S is for SEX

“I’m far from a virgin, and I’m not even going to act like this is the first cock I’ve ever sucked, but I can tell you this.” She paused and licked the tip of my twitching cock.

“If you grab my head and try to force it down my throat, it’ll be the last.” She gripped my cock in her hand tightly and slapped it against her lips as she waited for my response.

Incapable of doing much other than staring, I blinked my eyes, considered speaking, and nodded my head once instead.

“Agreed?” she asked as she slapped it against her lips again.

I moistened my lips, opened my mouth, and listened as the word absolutely puffed from my lungs.

She tossed her hair over her shoulder, licked the pre-cum from the tip, and slowly began to slide her full lips along the swollen shaft. As if witnessing a miracle, I watched as she worked her mouth up and down the shaft half a dozen times.

I attempted to lean forward and reach for her perfectly sculpted breasts. As the pain in my shoulder reminded me of what I’d been through, I fought against it and pressed my elbows into the bed, leaning up into an almost seated position. I slowly slid my hands along my thighs, not wanting to confuse her in any way regarding my intent. As my hands cupped her breasts and my fingers fumbled with her nipples, my breathing immediately changed.

Surprised, sickened by my lack of performance, and beyond embarrassed that I was reaching climax in a matter of seconds, I considered lifting her head away from my cock. Instead, I released her breasts and pressed my hands firmly into the comforter.

As the sound of my heavy breathing filled the room, I closed my eyes and arched my back slightly. In tune completely with where my mind, body, and sexual state of arousal was, Sydney began to stroke and suck my cock simultaneously. I closed my eyes as I felt every muscle in my body constrict. My fingers dug into the comforter as I held my breath, attempting unsuccessfully to prolong the experience.

I opened my eyes and stared as she lifted her mouth from the tip of my throbbing cock, stroked it twice, and smiled a smile of complete and utter satisfaction as she watched a geyser of cum erupt all over my thighs and sweats.



“Shit…” I breathed as I released the comforter from my grasp.

She gazed into my eyes and smiled. “Sorry. I just, uhhm, I wanted to watch you, you know…cum. I wanted to see it, knowing it was me that did that for you.”

“Holy shit.” I said. “Sorry I didn’t last longer. I got kind of excited.”

“Me too,” she said as she leaned over and rolled off the edge of the bed.

As I watched her tip-toe shirtless to the bathroom, realized just how delicate, sweet, and utterly adorable she actually was. It didn’t in any way change my perception of her, or my opinion of who she was or where we were hopefully going. It did, however, cause me to mentally place her in a category where no one else had ever been placed.

As Sydney walked from the bathroom with a washrag, I closed my eyes and allowed her to slowly seep into the void in my heart the war had long since left. As she leaned over the bed and kissed my lips lightly, I felt her continue to fill the vacant space. I opened my eyes and admired her beautiful face as our lips parted. For a lingering moment, she silently hovered over me; gazing into my eyes, and smiling the entire time.

I closed my eyes and grinned.

I had breathed life into Sydney when I saved her from herself at the bank. In turn, she had breathed life into me in the hospital; the day she whispered in my ear. Both of us acted not for reward or recognition, but out of a natural desire to be kind. One we certainly always possessed, but rarely exhibited toward others.

“You know,” she said as she wiped the warm cloth over my hips and thighs. “If you have two broken cars, or two broken toys, you can take the two broken objects and make one working one? Like use the pieces from one to fix the other?”

She paused and held the washcloth in her hand as she waited on my response. Having no idea what point she was trying to make, I smiled and nodded my head.

“Yeah,” I said.

“Well,” she paused and wiped the clean side of the washcloth along my sweats, “As individuals, we’re both broken. I think together, maybe we’ll make a complete, unbroken us.”

“Let’s just take a shower together,” I said as I painfully watched her attempt to clean up the mess I had made.

She carefully climbed off of me and stood on the floor beside the bed.

Knowing I had been broken beyond repair for almost a decade, I considered what she had said, and wondered if there was any validity to her statement. Quite possibly, I decided, jointly we could become a couple who was able to be together what we were incapable of being independently. Combined, it would stand to reason we would be at least twice what we were as individuals.

“It makes sense. You know, what you said a second ago.” I paused and raised my hand to my chin.

“Unbreak me, Sydney,” I said as I stood.

She stopped walking, turned, and looked over her shoulder. After an awkward pause, she smiled.

“Let me,” she said over her shoulder.

As she held her pose and waited for me to respond, I admired her every feature. Slowly, I felt her fill what little void remained; completely.

“I am,” I said.

As simple as it sounded and as complex as it seemed, I knew she was slowly doing just that.

Unbreaking me.