Page 174 of S is for SEX

“Untie me,” she whimpered through the torn plastic.

I rolled to the edge of the bed and toppled over the end. As I stood on the floor stark naked, I gazed for a short second at her plastic wrapped head and bare body. In realizing the sexual event was over, I began to feel much more compassionate about her requests for being free from her plastic prison.

“I’ll be right back, I need to get some scissors. It’ll be safer than a knife,” I said over my shoulder as I double timed it toward the kitchen.

I grabbed the scissors and ran back into the bedroom. As I stepped to the end of the bed, I reminded her of what we had spoken of earlier. “Lay still and I’ll cut this shit off. If you thrash around, you’ll end up cut and I don’t want that, okay?”

“Hurry,” she said.

I slid the scissors underneath the plastic, against the back of her head, and lifted them slowly. Without much effort, the bottom blade sliced through the material, freeing her from the translucent confinement. I tossed the scissors aside and carefully pulled the multiple layers away.

“Okay, that was freaking scary,” she gasped as I pulled the material away from her face.

I relaxed beside her and shrugged my shoulders. “If it wasn’t it wouldn’t had been such a turn on.”

She rolled over on the bed and propped the side of her face against her palm. “It might have been a turn on for you, but for me it wasn’t. That shit scared me. I can’t believe I wanted to try it.”

I narrowed my gaze and studied her pale face. It seemed much whiter than before we started. “Your pussy was dripping wet. It might have scared you, but your subconscious mind loved every minute of it.”

I leaned over and hugged her, holding her until she pushed me away. As she pressed her palms against my shoulders, I gazed into her eyes.

“I love it when you screw me Toad. You were screwing me, so I loved it. That whole…” She paused and tossed her hand toward the pile of Saran Wrap.

She shook her head. “The uhhm…covering my mouth thing…that was just freaking scary.”

“Well, we can add it to the list of shit not to do in the future,” I said.

She rolled her eyes and lifted her head from her hand. “That’s for sure. Now that I tried it for you, can we like date? Like be official?”

I sat up on the bed and stared at her as if she had just slapped me. “Say again?’

She grinned from ear-to-ear. “You know, be official? Like exclusive?”

I stared at her as if she was out of her mind. “Because you did this for me, you think we should be exclusive?”

“Uh huh,” she said with a nod.

I turned my head, rolled my eyes, and stood up. I guess I should have known, regardless of the size of her tits and the fat ass she was packing, she was no different than any of the others. Facing away from her, I pulled on my jeans and buckled my belt. Still having a difficult time believing she could be that forgetful over what we had discussed, I glanced over my shoulder in her direction.

I raised one eyebrow in true disbelief. “You’re fucking serious?”

She nodded her head eagerly.

I shook my head as I scanned the floor for my boots. “What part of I won’t be in a relationship didn’t you understand? I didn’t say I might. Or I’d consider it. Or if you do something for me you may convince me, did I? Fuck no, I didn’t. I said, and I quote, there is no chance we will ever be in a relationship. None. To which you responded, that’s okay. I asked if you were sure. You said yes.”

“I didn’t mean to make you mad,” she whined.

I shifted my gaze from the floor to where she sat, still naked on the bed. “You didn’t. I’m not mad, I’m just done. Get dressed, I’m taking you home.”

She scrunched her brow and stared. “What do you mean, done?”

“The done kind of done. You know, finished? Like over? The I’m taking your ridiculous ass home kind of done. Get dressed,” I snapped.

“Toad, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” she blubbered.

“Sloan look, the last thing I need is some crazy bitch thinking I’m hers. If you’re hoping we’re going to be exclusive after the speech I gave you a few weeks ago, you’re already half way there. I’ll save you some confusion and me a hell of a lot of headaches. I’m done fucking you. And just so we’re crystal fucking clear, I’m done fucking you forever. Get dressed,” I said as I bent over and picked up my boots.

“Oh my God, like forever?” she screeched as she slid her legs over the edge of the bed.