He lowered me to the couch.
I laid there, staring at his God-like body and didn’t move. At some point, my eyes fell closed. Some time passed. Maybe a little, maybe a lot. I opened my eyes and looked up.
Looming over me naked, he smiled. “You said fuck.”
“I did not.”
“Yes, you did.”
I tried to recall doing so, but fell short. “Did I?”
“Right before you came.”
“I’m sorry.”
He shrugged one shoulder. “I thought it was cute.”
“I need a minute,” I said. “Then we can get started again.”
He looked at his watch and then at me. “Not for an hour and six minutes.”
I blinked my eyes and sat up. In my post orgasm state of being, I thought he said not for an hour and six minutes.
I wrinkled my nose and stared. “Huh? It sounded like you said not for an hour or something.”
He nodded. “I told myself no sex on the first date, and the first date ends at midnight. At least that’s what I’m thinking. Technically, a minute after midnight is tomorrow. Right?”
He was adorable.
But, the time had come for me to make a point, and make it clear.
I grinned. “It’s midnight somewhere, motherfucker.”