Page 126 of S is for SEX

I felt him caress my face, and rake his fingers through my hair. After a few minutes time of him whispering into my ear, and softly touching me, I returned from wherever I was, and into an state of something close to reality.

He lifted me from the bed and carried me into the master bathroom. I blinked my eyes and attempted to focus as he lowered himself into the tub, holding me in his arms. The warm water felt fabulous against my skin.

I glanced around the bathroom, still slightly confused, almost as if I had never seen one before. On the wire shelves beside the tub, were towels, washcloths, and fruit…


“Is that fruit?” I asked as I blinked my eyes and tilted my head toward the rack.

“Yes, you’ll need the nourishment,” he responded.

“What happened?” I asked.

“You went into what’s called subspace. It’s a rush of endorphins that literally send you somewhere your mind has never experienced. The intensity of the orgasm from a session like that is ten-fold of what you’re used to. Then, you crash back down to earth. It’s called Sub Drop. If that’s not where you are now, you’ll probably be there pretty damned soon. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you,” he said assured me.

He stood from the tub and grabbed a banana. As he turned around, I gazed at his body. His chiseled torso had three words tattooed below his waist. As he peeled the banana, I studied the tattoo, and realized it was written in Latin.

“What does that mean?” I asked as he handed me half of the banana.

“I came, I saw, I conquered,” he responded.

I bit into the banana as I nodded my head.

“When did you run the bath water?” I asked as I glanced around the spacious bathroom.

“When I left the room earlier. When I left the room a few minutes ago, I turned it off,” he said as he reached for the switch on the wall.

“I’m going to turn on the jets. Ready?” he asked as he held his hand over the switch.

I nodded my head, still pretty oblivious to my surroundings. “Yep,” I responded.

I felt like it was the morning after a bad drunk. Mentally, I was completely lost. As he stepped into the tub, I focused on the half of a banana he held in his hand.

“You gonna eat that?” I asked as I pointed at the banana.

“No,” he chuckled.

“It’s for you,” he said as he handed me the remaining banana.

“So, what did you think of that?” he asked as he reached for the soap.

“The banana?” I asked, knowing he meant the sex, but making at least an effort to be cute.

“Yeah, Em, the banana,” he responded sarcastically.

“The banana was kinda squishy, but the sex was some insane shit. What did you think?” I asked.

“Me?” he said as he squirted some soap onto a Loofah, “I couldn’t be any happier.”

Truth be told, I couldn’t have been any happier either. But what mattered more than anything was that he was happy, and knowing the answer made me even happier yet. As he wiggled his way past me in the tub and began to wash my back, I remembered the night we met, and how he beat the absolute shit out of the guy who was grabbing my boobs. I never would have guessed the man in the bar that night would be carrying me into the Jacuzzi tub and washing my back as I ate fruit.

But again, I expected Jackson Shephard was unlike any other man on this earth.

And he was slowly proving me to be right.