Page 11 of S is for SEX


(Biker MC Romance Book II)


Pee Bee

I waved off her suggestion no differently than if she’d asked if I wanted mayonnaise on a cheeseburger.

“No. Thanks though,” I said.

She spun around. “Huh? What? You’re not coming in?”

“I should probably just get.”

She stood on the other side of the doorway, her face incapable of hiding the disappointment she was feeling. “You’re kidding, right?”

I could feel the head of my dick slowly rising against the fabric my jeans, and that was the exact opposite of what I needed. I discretely pressed the heel of my palm against it and gave a half-assed shrug. “I just. I was thinking maybe it would be best if--”

She flung her purse on the couch and then locked eyes with me. “We’re adults. Adults don’t go home right now. Not now. Adults have sex. That’s what they do. You started this. Let’s finish it.”

Kissing Tegan made me feel full and warm and light-headed and young and innocent.

Anything that could resurrect my innocence was nothing short of magical. Convinced I was finally on the right path – and that sex, too soon, would ruin it – I persuaded myself to go no further with her.

At least not on our first date.

I continued to press against my rising manhood. In clear opposition, it grew harder. I hoped she didn’t notice the ongoing struggle.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” I said.

“Hurt me?” She chuckled. “If you don’t want to hurt me, start taking your pants off. At least act like you think I’m attractive.”

She was so much more than attractive. Her eyebrows arched perfectly over glowing golden eyes that were dotted with rich brown specks. Her high cheeks faded along her slender jaw, coming to a point at the most delicate chin I’d ever seen.

Her full lips were inviting, and feeling them against mine drove me to a level of insanity I wanted to return to again, and again, and again.

I imagined our naked bodies tangled together…

“Hell-o?” She cocked her hip. “What happened to you?”

I realized she’d taken off her heels and figured I must have faded away into another one of my day dreams.

“Do. You. Think. I’m. Attractive?” she asked.

I somehow managed to conceal my raging hard-on by pressing my hand flat against it. It wasn’t easy. “Uh huh.”

She put her hand on her hip and arched an eyebrow. “Convince me.”

“I uhhm,” I stammered.

She shook her head. “That kiss was just…I can’t even describe it. And the one here? When we got to the door? It was every bit as good. Now, I want to have sex and you want to go home. I feel like you think I’m either not worthy or I’m too damned ugly. Do something to make me feel like you think--”

I moved my hand. At once, my cock sprung against the fabric of my jeans. Now standing in the doorway with an uncomfortably hard dick, I hoped it was enough to convince her of everything that she wasn’t sure of.

Her eyes fell to my crotch. “Holy crap,” she gasped. “That’ll do.”