Page 455 of S is for SEX

“Fuck-fest baby girl. Stand up,” he said.

“I…I…I’m scared. My legs. My legs are shaking. What exactly is this…”

“Here’s the rules. I fuck you ragged,” he inhaled.

“You succeeded,” I admitted, looking down at the countertop.

“I wasn’t done talking. I fuck you ragged. And, when you want to give up, or stop, you tap out,” he shook his cock at me three times as he spoke.

“Tap out?” I asked.

“Yes. Tap out. You tap your hand three times on something or scream uncle. Like in an MMA fight. Tap out,” he shook his cock three more times.

“You’re serious?”

He nodded, “You done?” he asked.

I relaxed the tension in my legs and took a breath. I shifted my weight, and sat flat on the counter. I exhaled and tapped my hand once on the countertop. I tapped a second time. I raised my hand and looked up into his eyes.

I curled my finger toward my palm. I curled it again.

He raised his eyebrows.

“Still speak English?” I asked.

“You mouthy little…”

“Fucker?” I said, remembering him saying those exact words at the Italian restaurant.

He shook his head side-to-side slowly and slowly stroked his cock.

“What?” I asked.

“You. You amaze me,” he whispered.

I thought of the dunk tank.

“You want me to amaze you? Stick that big cock of yours in my mouth. Fuck my mouth, Erik. If you ever, ever, ever think when I have an opportunity to fuck you that I’m going to give up, or say no, or say I want to tap out, you’re sadly mistaken. I’ll fuck you until you tap out. Or until that big fat cock of yours is limp. But I tell you what I won’t do. I won’t fucking quit. Ever,” I tried to stand and my shaking legs wouldn’t let me.

“Impressive,” he let go of his cock and began clapping his hands, “but your legs tell a different story. Let me get that third tap, little girl.”

“I let you fuck my lifeless body before that happens. You, Mr. Ead, have met your fucking match. Realize it,” I said as a scooted across the counter top.

“What the fuck are you doing?” he said as he stopped clapping.

I grabbed the edge of the countertop and pulled myself to it. I used my feet and did an unconventional crab walk to get my feet to the opposite edge of the counter top. Laying on my back, sideways on the countertop, I scooted my shoulders ever with the edge. My head suspended in the air, I turned to face him.

“Get down on the floor, and fuck my mouth,”

I let my head fall as I started squeezing my boobs.

He shook his head and hopped to the floor. As he started to walk toward me, I opened my mouth and pointed at it.

“In here, stuff it in here,” as he placed his hands on my neck and lifted my head to meet the head of his cock, I looked at him and winked.

As his cock slowly slid into my mouth I squeezed my boobs in my palms and pinched my nipples. I closed my eyes. For most girls, sucking a man’s cock is a burden. For me, it’s a time of relaxation. A time of recuperation. I go into a trance of sorts and let it happen. Normally, I have no concept of time.

With his hands on my neck, he began to slide his cock in and out of my mouth. I pressed the head of it to the roof of my mouth and sucked as it slid back and forth. I stuck my tongue out of my mouth as he went deeper so he could see it. With my head upside down and my neck in his hands, I opened my eyes.