KELLI. “I’ll just go file a report tomorrow. I doubt there will be any people there today, it’s Sunday. It’ll let me get away from work for a while,” I shrugged my shoulders and tried to smile.
“I’m sorry, baby girl. I know it’s tough losing stuff like that. Someone steals from you and you’ll feel…well, you probably do feel violated,” Erik opened his arms to hug me.
“It’s just stuff,” I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.
Smelling him made me wet. He smelled so unique. I hope I never encounter anyone else that wears his cologne. The way Erik smelled, to me, was unique to Erik. I didn’t want anyone else to have it. I pressed myself closer to him and buried my face in his shirt.
“You alright?” he chuckled as he looked down.
“Just getting closer to you. I can’t get close enough to you, ever,” I said as I looked up.
I buried my face in his shirt and inhaled.
“What’s today?” Erik breathed into the top of my head.
“Sunday?” I responded.
I didn’t want to move. I wanted him to either fuck me or shut up. I didn’t want to talk. I wanted to hold him or fuck him. One or the other. Sometimes listening to him made my head hurt. Not because he was mean, or stupid, or didn’t make sense…it was because the more he talked, the more I wanted to fuck him. Fucking him was so much better that listening to him.
I wanted to give him what it was that he wanted, but not too much. I wanted to provide it, but only when he wanted it. How he wanted it. Over time with him I had learned not to talk too much, and spend more time listening. In time, and by making the right choices, I wanted to reassure him that I was the one.
The only one.
“What day of the month?” he moved his mouth to my ear. The hot breath made me shiver.
“I don’t know, the fifteenth, I think?” I responded, looking at my watch, “yeah, the fifteenth.”
“Oh shit,” he said as he pushed me away from him.
No, please no. Hold me.
I didn’t want this to end.
I remembered the dunk tank, and how he asked me what I wanted. Maybe every now and again he did want me to make decisions. Even the boss at work wants a relaxing day from time-to-time. I wish sometimes that I was the one that made the decisions. Maybe for a day. Maybe one day a year. Or two. Kelli gets to make the decisions, and she doesn’t get in trouble or anything - no matter what she decides. Nobody gets mad. Nobody yells. And no one argues or fights about what happens, no matter what. Fuck me, Erik.
Fuck me, and not outside or in a restaurant.
Hold me.
Lay with me, in bed. Don’t get up and ride anywhere. Leave your phone in the car. No, throw it in the fucking trash.
Take off your boots, socks, and that holster off your ankle when you fuck me. I don’t want to see your pants around your ankles when we fuck.
Kiss me. No. I said kiss me. Yeah, like that. Now, don’t you dare stop….ever.
And. Please. Above all.
Love me.
“Kelli?” he blew in my face as he spoke.
“Huh?’ I blinked my eyes.