Page 441 of S is for SEX

ERIK. Life has proven to me that the most amazing things happen at the times you least expect them. God’s greatest offerings can often, by the best of us, be overlooked. I have always believed that God provides us with opportunities, and it is our responsibility to recognize them as such. We then need to choose to either take advantage of them or continue along the path we were on when they were presented to us. Not all of life’s offerings are good ones. Knowing how to identify and separate these things is what allows us to potentially live a richer life.

Living life is simply making a series of decisions. Making good ones allows a blessed life to be lived. Making bad ones leaves us wading through the muck and mire, wanting and wishing for more.

“Holy shit,” I stopped and stared in disbelief. Not much over five feet tall, she stood there, as beautiful as ever, her once blonde hair now somewhat grey.

“Kelli, I want you to meet someone,” I let go of Kelli and opened my arms.

“Aftiel, you crazy witch. What in the devil are you doing here?” I hugged her tightly.

“Kelli, this is Aftiel. She’s the only witch I know,” I said as I released her from my grasp.

“How’s the coven?” I asked as Kelli reached out and shook her hand.

“Pleasure’s mine, love. Kelli, is it? With an “I” I’m sure,” Aftiel said as she studied Kelli.

“Be careful, Kelli, Aftiel knows things about people,” I laughed as I patted her on the shoulder.

“The coven is good. We’re growing older each day,” she said as she looked up and down my frame.

“You make me nervous when you look at me like that, what are you doing?” I asked.

“Just wondering how you are. I shipped you the talisman, and it was returned,” she complained, raising her eyebrows as she spoke.

“Now, you’ve known me for years. I get my mail about once every four months. I hate mail. It was shipped back because the mailbox got full, I’m sure. Or if I had to sign for it, well…anyway. My apologies,” holding my hands out, palms up, I apologized.

She reached into her purse, and pulled out a small envelope about the size of a pack of cigarettes, and a third as thick. She shook it in front of me as she spoke.

“This has been blessed. The talisman, the cord…Erik, this is important. Holding the talisman in your left hand, burn the paper that it is wrapped with in a bowl and then toss the ashes into the air. Secure the talisman with the cord, and wear it, hang it in your house, or use it as a charm. Do not, and I mean do not let anyone but you touch it. It’s been blessed specifically for you,” she said as she handed me the package.

“Are there instructions in here? And no one touches it before or after the ritual?” I asked as I took the package from her grasp.

“You should be the only one. Whoever else may touch it can allow whatever they possess that is bad to be absorbed into the talisman…and you. Don’t let anyone else touch it. Not unless you know that they’re pure. Erik, just keep people away from it - don’t make this difficult,” she said as I placed the package into my front pocket.

“Well, everyone has gone in. Come in, join us,” I said as I wrapped my left arm around Kelli’s shoulder.

“No, I have to go. I have a million things to do,” she wiped her eyes as she spoke.

“Kelli, it was a pleasure. Take care of him for me.”

She stood on her tiptoes and leaned toward me. As I reached over her shoulders to embrace her, I bent down. She kissed me on the cheek and stepped back.

“I must leave. Be well, Erik. Kelli, remember what I said,” she nodded at Kelli, kissed her palm, and blew us a kiss as she turned and walked away.

As I watched her slowly walk away I shook my head in disbelief. Aftiel made a trip all this way to give me a talisman – a medallion that had been blessed. It was to bring me luck and protect me from what was evil. This is the one place and time that she knew she could find me. She was certainly a determined woman. As she walked around the corner of the building, I took a step toward the entrance.

“A witch?” Kelli asked as we walked.

“Yes, a real witch,” I promised.

“I’ve never heard of any witches here,” Kelli said as we walked into the building.

“Well, there are witches everywhere. It’s not what you think baby girl. She’s one of the best people I have ever met. And she’s not from here, she’s from Arizona.”

Kelli looked up, puzzled.

“You’ve got it, she drove here from Arizona to give me that,” I laughed.

I looked inside at the table of people who were drinking beer and beginning to eat. Without a doubt, we were one of the first groups to finish the ride. I turned and scanned the parking lot. It was about half full, approximately five or six hundred motorcycles. There was a dunk tank set up at the side of the parking lot, facing the lot, with the back side against a tree, which in the afternoon sun was providing minimal shade.