Page 398 of S is for SEX

“Tell him to try again,” she whispered.

“Dough, stick it in. Do it, Dough,” I screeched over my shoulder, frustrated.

His hands grabbed my hips again, and his pelvis contacted my fat ass. And…



Kind of.

The girth wasn’t bad, but basically my pussy lips were being fucked by the head of his cock. I reached down and fingered my clit as I lay my head on the roof of the car.

“Anything you can do to help?” I asked Beth, who was still under my crotch observing this Asian cluster fuck.

She scooted out from underneath my legs and moved to behind Dough. All of a sudden his thrusts became more violent and he actually made a little penetration. I relaxed and fingered my clit.

Fuck it. I’m done. This is beyond frustrating. He made penetration, and Beth saw it.

I moved my feet closer together, and stood up.

“You’re done here, Dough. Finish with your hand,” I said as I grabbed my jeans and pulled them up.

“Beff. Bro-job,” he responded.

“Nope, she’s done too. Jack that thing, Dough. I wanna watch you cum.”

I motioned for Beth to come to the car. As she walked toward the car, Dough closed his eyes, and leaned back at an extreme angle. He stood about eight feet from the car, jacking his wiener like a mad man…holding it between his index finger and thumb. His hand moved so furiously that it appeared to be in some form of super speed. He began to moan, and his upper body began to shake.

His torso convulsed. One huge wad of cum shot from the head of his dick, and that was it. He collapsed on the asphalt.

“SPLAT!” it hit the door of the car, sounding like someone threw a tennis ball at the car.

Beth turned and gawked at the wad of cum. I turned and watched as it started to slide down the door. I looked at Beth and Beth looked back at me.

“Holy shit,” I exclaimed.

As Dough attempted to stand we both started to get into the car.

“Clis-tee,” he said as he began to stand.

“Yes,” I said over the top of the passenger side of the car.

“Dough ohh you long time,” he responded, smiling.

“You owe me?”

He nodded.

Yeah, that’s no shit.

Fucking Asians.