Page 393 of S is for SEX

Eye roll.

What the fuck is happening. What the fuck is happening.

Things happen in our lives and our brain sometimes separates them immediately and identifies them as being the onset of an exceptional event. The same thing happens for some things that are drastically awful. Like the second that the mother of all roller coasters begins the plummet into a fall that takes your breath and heartbeat away - GOOD. Or the instant a car runs a red light as you go through the green; that instant before impact - BAD. Your brain makes that identification of an exceptional event and slides it into place. The great and the awful – the good and the bad. This was the former, followed immediately by the latter.

The good…

My head went hazy and I got light headed, as Beth’s tongue fucked my clit into some form of orgasmic retardation, her finger found a sweet spot in my ass. Her thumb was massaging my g-spot, and I was pinching my nipples. Sensory overload.

It was then that I learned to squirt. And I did.

Into Beth’s mouth.

“Holy fucking shit Beth!....Beth!...Oh, my FUCKKKK….God damn….I’m CUMMINGGGGGGGG!!!!!” I screamed.

For me, it’s similar to peeing. Once you start, there’s no stopping it. My entire body relaxed. The more I squirted, the louder I screamed. The louder I screamed, the more I came. My leg muscles tensed, and I raised off of Beth’s mouth enough that she could try to catch her breath.

The mouthful of cum she acquired made a gurgling sound as she did.

As I raised myself up and she tried to breathe, her finger slipped out of my ass. It felt sensual. I squirted again, this time all over her face.

Followed by the bad…

The sound of Beth’s gurgles and my screaming were drowned out by the sound of a whirlwind of shit that happened within a split-second. The sound of tires screeching caught my attention. I turned to the right to see what was happening. Through the driver’s side car window that was rolled down, I witnessed a slow motion sequence of events.

A red Honda Accord with a yellow hood, white front fenders, and a blue bumper screeched its brakes, slid sideways, hurdled over the curb and drove through the landscaped area of the parking lot. It came to a sudden stop about twenty feet from the window, on our side of the car. A trail of grass, dirt, and shrubbery marked the entry path. The tinted windows prevented me from seeing any occupants.

Immediately behind the car, a dozen crotch-rocket type motorcycles followed, but through the entrance ramp, not over the curb. They surrounded the Honda. All of the riders of the motorcycles remained seated and placed their kickstands down. As if they were synchronized swimmers, as one of the riders began to get off, all of the other riders got off at the exact same time.

Holy shit, a motorcycle club of fucking midgets. I hate Midgets. I fucking hate ‘em. They freak me the fuck out. Midgets and clowns.

Beth swallowed a few times and spoke as she wiped her face on her forearm.

“Holy mackerel. You came a lot. What’s going on?” she asked, still on her back.

Sitting on her chest, my thighs covered in cum, I answered.

“I don’t know. So far, a multi-colored Accord and a dozen motorcycles just landed in the lot beside us. Looks like a bunch of fucking midgets, I can’t tell,” I responded as I watched out the window.

“Midgets? Did you say midgets?” Beth asked as she attempted to sit up enough to see.

“Yup, midgets. Look at ‘em,” I responded, pointing my finger from inside the car toward the gathering.

“I hate midgets,” she said.

“Ditto,” I responded.

We high-fived each other as she sat her seat up into a semi-erect seating position.

Midget number one removed his helmet. His jet black string-straight hair fell into his face.

“Motha-fucka get out cahh. Get out and die rike a man,” he screamed as he reached into the rear of his pants and pulled out a pistol.

Asians. Jesus Christmas. Fucking Asians.

The remaining eleven Asian midgets removed their helmets and circled the car. The driver’s door opened and an Asian man got out, holding his hands above his head.
