Page 383 of S is for SEX

“Get busy Greg,” I said as I shook my head side-to-side to get rid of the bite form the tequila.

“He’s all soft, and the bed smells funny,” he said.

I held the Tazer in the air and pulled the trigger. Greg immediately fell face first into Butt Pirate’s lap, and began sucking his limp dick. Within a few seconds, Pirate was hard.

Oh shit, the Pirate likes it. This fucking weirdo. Both of these guys…weird.

Greg took short fast strokes, trying to make quick work of his skills. Tom’s eyes remained closed. In a matter of seconds, Tom’s back arched, and his stomach muscles tensed.

“Don’t swallow, you cum guzzler!” I screamed at Greg.

Tom moaned and opened his eyes. He quickly closed them again, and drew a few short shallow breaths.

Greg lifted his head proudly, his lips pursed together.

“Don’t swallow it, I know you want to, but don’t. Spit it into your hand and let me see it,” I said.

Greg raised his eyebrows.

“I’m serious. In your palm,” I demanded, pointing to his hand.

He spit it in his hand. I looked. Lenny looked. Greg looked. A small white spot about the size of a pencil eraser puddled in the center of Greg’s palm. We all turned and glared at the Butt Pirate.

“I’m dehydrated, what’d you expect,” he explained.

“Wipe it on my shorts, Greg,” I said.

“What?” Greg asked.

I grabbed his wrist, twisted his arm, and pressed his palm into the front of my shorts, rubbing Butt Pirate’s cum into the fabric.

“What the…”

“Don’t worry about it Greg, we’re done here. I’ll take you guys home now.”

“Done? That’s it?” Greg asked, looking around the room.

“Yeah, that’s it, unless you want to butt fuck this dude,” I responded as Lenny and I walked to the door.

“Greg.You coming Greg?” I asked as we were walking out.

“Well…I was wondering…”

“Well come back some other time, Greg.

When we got to the front door, Greg came running up to meet us.

“Nice visit?” I asked.

Greg smirked.

Walking out to the car I smiled. I had an idea.

Oh, this is going to be good…