Page 375 of S is for SEX

“So, I’m Christy, and you’re?” I held my hand out as I approached the sofa.

“Greg,” cute face responded.

“Greg, it’s nice to meet you. Before I get out of here, I am going to need to get your number. If everything goes well, that is. I may need to see you again in a few weeks, okay? Remind me?” I asked as I sat down.

If this dude had a cock, a little game, and didn’t try to ass rape me, I’d make him my “G”.

Lenny walked back into the living room with a bottle in one hand, and two glasses in the other. One was filled with liquor, the other with ice.

“Here, there’s a glass of ice, and a glass with a few shots in it. I didn’t know how you like it,” he said as he attempted to hand me the two glasses.

“In my stomach, that’s how I like it,” I responded as I reached out, grabbed the glass of liquor, and tipped it up.

“Damn,” Greg said.

“Pour me about that much again,” I said.

Lenny poured me another glass and set the bottle and the ice on the coffee table and sat in a chair at the side of the sofa. I raised the glass to my mouth and drank half of it, and started speaking.

“Look, I’m not prejudiced, I just don’t like liars. In the pic, you were white. You’re not white at all. If you two have something to hide…”

“Stop, Christy. It’s Christy, right?” Lenny Kravitz said.

I nodded and drank the rest of my drink. God I hope this guy is at least packing an above average dick. One of these two guys should have a cock, surely. I turned and looked at Chris’ hands.

Nice, long fingers, dude.

“Listen, no one is trying to trick you. We’re not lying. Greg sent you the pics. You said you wanted a threesome and one of the guys had to have a name that started with a “C’. We’ve never done this. I know it’d be easy for me to tell you anything, you know…to lie. But I ain’t lying. Greg trolls the Craigslist ads and we laugh at them. Today, he saw your ad and responded. I told him to give it a try. You photo was hot as hell, so we set it up. That’s the truth, believe it or not,” Lenny-Chris Kravitz said.

“Okay, well I just don’t feel like I need to be lied to. I have had a bad week. A shit week, really. Okay, so here’s what I’m after,” I said, alternating a glance back and forth between Chris and Greg as I spoke.

“I want you two to fuck me - both of you at the same time. I want to have you guys DP me, you alright with that?” I asked.

The Lenny Kravitz look-alike spoke, “I think we could do that, yeah. You wanna do it tonight, or what?”

Tonight? What the fuck are you talking about? I’m here right now, let’s do this.

“What? Tonight? What do you have to do, get ready? No, I want to do this now. Is there a problem?” I asked, motioning to each of them as I spoke.

“No, it’s just like, well…it’s noon, barely. It seems weird doing that at noon,” Lenny complained.

“Well, I have time right now. I like fucking day and night. It doesn’t have to be dark for me to be comfortable,” I said as I stood up.

I hope this works.

“Wait. Wait a minute, don’t get mad. Sit down. Greg, you okay with this?” Lenny asked.

Greg, eyes fixed on me, nodded his head eagerly.

“You’re a sexy little bitch. Just wondering why you’re doing this, like uhhmm, why you gotta find people on the internet?” Lenny asked.

Well fuck, dude. You really don’t wanna know, do you?

“Well, good luck finding two dudes in the bar that are okay with a DP. People like talking about it, but no one wants to actually rub their cock against another dudes cock,” I responded.

“Whoa, what? I ain’t rubbin’ cocks with anybody,” Greg squealed as he made a pucker face.

I stood back up and grabbed my back pack.