Page 367 of S is for SEX


Six o’clock on a Wednesday was a strange time to have a threesome, but I was fine with this. If I was going to make my way through the alphabet this summer, I would have to be open to almost anything. With my back pack over my shoulder, and Beth hanging onto my shirt, we went up the steps. I thought about getting my first dick. Hopefully this dude has a cock.

“Number 316. Beth, we’re here. You ready?” I asked over my shoulder.

“Yeah,” she responded, glancing down at the floor.

Ahhh. Reassurance. Perfect. She’ll be a load of fun.

I knocked on the door. I heard the bolt turn and the door opened slowly. Adam stood on the other side, wearing the same clothes he was wearing before. The house smelled of incense and weed.

“Hey Adam, this is Beth,” I said as we walked in.

“Hey, uhhmm…”

“Christy. Christy and Beth. Beth this is Adam,” I said as I tried to shake Beth off my hip.

“Hi Adam. You’re tall,” the word tall hung on her lips for several seconds. She looked up and down his torso as she said it.

Adam walked into the house and sat on the sofa. I followed him, and Beth followed me. We sat on a love seat to the side of Adam. I figured I would roll the dice and see what he said. He’d already agreed to the threesome, so there wouldn’t be much harm in telling him.

“So, Adam. Well…I made a bet with my girlfriend that I could fuck my way through the alphabet this summer. I have to go in alphabetical order, and using first or last names, I can get a letter per person. You’re the first, because you’re an “A”. Are you okay with this?” I asked quickly.

As I spoke, he leaned down, placing his head in his hands, and his elbows on his knees. He looked at me and blinked. Oh for fuck’s sake, this dude is baked.

“Uhhmm. Yeah, yeah, that’s cool,” he muttered.

He blinked again.

“So, you cool with the three of us? All of us getting it on?

“Yeah, that’s cool,” he said in a slow quiet whisper.

Fuck, this dude was going to be a real fucking bore. Well, at least he’ll be a letter off the list. Well…two counting Beth.

I looked at Beth. She was sitting erect, and staring at Adam. Hell, it appeared she was sobering up a little. This might not be so bad after all. I leaned over to Beth, cupped my mouth with my hand, and whispered in her ear.

“You wanna start by going over and sucking his cock, Beth?”

Her head started nodding before I actually finished speaking.

“You sure you’re okay with this? There’s really no turning back after we start. Remember, it’s only kinky the first time,” I laughed as I whispered.

She continued nodding, and responded. “I’ve done this before, don’t worry.”

Shit. That’s right. She said her boyfriend and her had a few threesomes. Right on.

Beth stood, walked over to Adam, and kneeled on the floor in front of him. He looked at her, puzzled. She reached up and started unzipping his pants. As she reached for his zipper, he flinched.

Oh, great. He’s scared.

I put my back pack on the floor beside me, and shook my head as I watched Beth struggle with his jeans. He appeared to be helping her, but she shuffled into a position that prevented me from seeing him. Her head went into his lap and he leaned into the sofa. She began to slowly move up and down - her head going into his lap deeper as he arched his back.

“Holy fuck. Oh my God,” he said as he sat up.

Hell, he looked stone cold sober now.

Damn, what’d that little cock gobbler do?