NINE. Elena stood over Meghan, who was seated beside Shellie on the bench.
“So, what the fuck are we gonna do little miss know it all?” Elena asked.
Meghan had spent the majority of the previous night comforting and preparing Dana for her departure. Describing it as a departure made it more reasonable, more realistic, and less permanent than calling it anything else. Meghan now dressed in sweats and a tank top like the other women, sat with Shellie, hoping that nothing bad had actually happenedto Dana.Although she had no basis for this belief, her considering it made everything Ryan was doing seem plausible.
“I don’t fucking know. To tell you the truth, I really didn’t think he’d take Dana. I felt like it would never come down to that. I don’t know. I just don’t fucking know,” Meghan complained.
Elena sat down on the bench beside Shellie and leaned forward, resting her forearms on her thighs. “Well, if we don’t have a plan, this is gonna get really shitty really quick.”
Meghan stood from the bench and placed her hands on her hips. “Like it’s not already shitty.”
Shellie rotated her hand and looked at what little was left of her fingernails. “Dana’s gone. It’s bad already.”
Elena stood from the bench and faced Meghan. “This crazy fuck. We have to try to kill him when he comes back. We have to. We don’t have an option.”
“How?” Meghan asked.
“Well, fuck. I don’t know. Let’s talk about it,” Elena said. “When he had me in the basement talking to me, he had a Taser. He didn’t have a gun. He had it and handcuffs. He’s strong, but he can’t overpower three of us.”
Elena motioned toward Shellie who continued to nibble at her fingernails as the two women spoke. “Well, two. Two of us. She ain’t got much to offer.”
Meghan’s eyes shifted toward the door. “Ok, so when he opens the door, what do we do?”
“The door pushes into the room. There’s a handle outside, in the basement, not an inside handle. We can’t grab it and pull it. We have to just try to overpower him, or we all rush the door? What are you thinking?” Meghan asked.
“Well, when he opens it, when we hear it click, two of us could be right there, and be ready for his ass. And just take off running. Fuck I don’t know,” Elena said.
“If we do that, what could go wrong?” Meghan asked.
No one responded.
“I guess, if he pulls it open and sees us - he just pulls it shut and leaves us here forever to die. That’s what his crazy ass would do. So, we have to be on the side of the door that he can’t see,” Meghan reasoned.
Elena appearing frustrated, walked over to the far side of the room and stared at the door. As she crossed her arms and stared, she shook her head. “That doesn’t do us any good. Because then we gotta get to the opening, and he’ll just see us whenever we try and move over there.”
For Elena to allow herself to be taken into the other room, tortured, killed or even released, was going to be a chore for anyone, and Meghan could see and sense it. Elena had become far more tense since Dana had left, and she was outwardly showing it. When the time came for Ryan to come and take Elena from the room, he was certainly going to have his hands full. As Elena started cussing in Spanish and staring at the door, Meghan began to wonder what problems Elena’s demeanor could cause if she irritated Ryan.
Meghan believed that she had heard a car leave the garage thirty minutes after Ryan had taken Dana out of the room. That would be roughly the amount of time it would have taken Ryan to kill Dana, prepare the body for transportation, load it, and leave the premises from what Meghan could figure. The other women complained at Meghan’s request for confirmation of what she had heard, claiming that they heard nothing.
Meghan pointed to the benches beside her, behind where the door swung when opened. “What if this. What if, when he takes Shellie to the door, we’re back here.”
All eyes were on her.
She walked in the direction that she was pointing. “Where we were before, when he got Dana?”
“We haven’t decided if I was next,” Shellie said softly without looking up from her fingernail gnawing.
“Well, when he comes to the door, he will ask her to turn around. She’s slow at everything she does, and she can turn really slow, taking a little extra time. He’ll become frustrated at her, but not at us. As he waits for her, we rush the door, and yank it open. Whoever gets to the door, the other one will, with Shellie’s help, overpower Ryan. How’s that sound?” Meghan asked as she faced Elena, who still stood along the far wall.
Elena shook her head. “It sounds like we’re trying to plan putting up a volley ball net for a fucking beer party. What if this thing goes to shit? We’re fucked. El Mero Chingon comes in, and we’re just fucked.”
“You know. We can do all this planning we want, and this fuckers gonna make it impossible to do it just by one little change in how he opens the door or how he does something. Then, we’re sitting here stupid. And dead. Fuck this puto. I want to choke him or dig his eyes out when I’m in the other room. When he takes me to kill me, I’m gonna head butt that fucking pendejo. Maybe, when he takes me, I’ll kick him in his fucking cajones.” Elena said.
Meghan, began walking through the room and attempting to devise a plan of escape. She considered seducing Ryan if the opportunity presented itself. She was convinced from the moment she sat in the trunk and made eye contact with him that he was attracted to her. Her discussions with the other women, although she had not outwardly spoken of her thoughts and feelings, had invited the other women to discuss their feelings. She had no information volunteered to lead her to believe that any of the other women had either an opportunity or an indication that Ryan was in the least bit attracted to them.
Meghan stood between the entrance door and where Elena was standing as she thought of Ryan. “Let me just think for a while.”