I sat across the table from the most beautiful woman in the world. As she picked her teeth with blade of her knife, I further realized just how extraordinary she truly was. If she were anything but one of a kind, she surely wouldn’t fill all of what was broken within me with such precision. Karter was placed on this earth to make me whole. I further believed I provided her with the same satisfaction. As I admired her eye color choice for the day, she looked at the tip of her knife with disgust. A small piece of what appeared to be chicken hung from the blade. After wiping it on her jeans, she leaned into the center of the table.
“You ride like a pussy,” Karter whispered.
I heard her clearly, but chose to respond as if I had not.
“Say again?”
“Say again,” she repeated in a mocking tone.
I crossed my arms and tilted my chin upward. “What did you say.”
“I said you ride like a pussy. And you still have a long fucking ways to go to be a biker, new beard or not. Oh, and your ears are getting weak, old man,” she half shouted.
It seemed as if the entire rear portion of the restaurant turned around to see what the commotion was about. I lowered my chin and wrinkled my nose. “Old?”
I raised my hand to my chin and rubbed the four day’s growth of what was to be a new beard. “Pussy?”
“I knew you heard me,” she said as she pushed her plate to the side and burped.
I shrugged my shoulders. “Through these old ears?”
“Mmmmhhhhm,” she murmured.
“You’re pushing your luck,” I assured her.
“Oh really? What are you going to do? Punish me? By fucking me? Please Jak, please. I hate fucking you. Don’t fuck me Jak. Please no. Not the sex. Anything but the sex,” she said in a high pitched voice.
“That’s it,” I said as I slapped the table.
“You want me to bend over?” she asked.
I smiled at the thought of it. Karter was by all means the best thing to ever happen to me. She allowed me to understand just how simple living life could be - with the right person. I hadn’t even attempted to imagine a life without her for some time; only what our future could and would bring us. Karter had taken me from wallowing in the guilt associated with war and breathed life into my lungs. I yearned for the arrival of June and our ability to officially be man and wife.
I stood from my chair and removed my wallet. “As a matter of fact, I do. Get your ass in the bathroom. I’ll be right behind you.”
“Seriously? The bathroom?” she squeaked as she pointed her finger over her shoulder and to the rear of the restaurant.
I cleared my throat and pointed to the bathroom. “Now, Karter. Go!”
She lowered her head, stood, and walked toward the bathroom. I dropped a fifty-dollar bill on the table and covered it with my glass. I looked up and watched as Karter walked toward the hallway that led to the bathroom. As she walked with her shoulders slumped, I felt bad for acting stern. Surely she realized I was joking. As she entered the hallway, and was away from the view of the restaurant, she turned to face me and removed her shirt and bra. Now twirling them above her head, she took off in a dead run to the bathroom.
I shook my head and walked toward the bathroom. As I knocked on the door, she answered from the other side.
“Who is it?”
“Let me in,” I said softly.
“Sorry, it’s occupied.”
I scanned the empty hallway. I beat my hand against the door sharply. “Open the door.”
“Sorry, it’s occupied,” she said in an elevated tone.
I beat against the door with my clenched fist. “Karter, open the damned door.”
She opened the door slightly. Naked, except for her sneakers, she stood on the other side of the door.