Page 246 of S is for SEX

Somewhat confused, I nodded my head. “Yes, Sir. What are you going to do?”

“Well, now that you’ve asked, I suppose I’ll tell you. I’m going to stand here and stroke my cock. And I’m not going to stop until I cum. You’re not allowed to speak or stare, only take an occasional glance,” he responded without so much as cracking a smile.

This is punishment?

He removed my painting from the easel and replaced it with the new canvas. He knelt down and untied his boots. After removing the boots and socks, he unbuckled his jeans and tossed them aside. After pulling his tee shirt over his head, he stood and began rubbing his cock through his boxer shorts. Almost instantly, his rigid cock stretched his boxers beyond their design limit. As he leaned down and removed my palette from the floor and gathered some tubes of paint, I felt myself getting wet.

I swallowed heavily.

There had to be more to it than this. I pressed my knees together and winced as I realized the extent of my wetness. I had questions I felt I needed to ask before we got started.

With his broad back facing me and standing in his boxer shorts, he squeezed various colors of paint onto the palette. His bicep muscles flexed as he twisted the lids on the tubes and tossed them onto the drop cloth on the floor beside the easel. It was sheer torture watching him stand half-naked as he prepared for the sexual escapades he had described.

“Can I touch myself?” I asked.

“Absolutely not. At least I better not catch you doing it,” he snapped.

Oh God. This is going to be so hot.

“What are we going to do after I’m either done painting or you’re done jacking off?” I squeaked.

“Well, you know how most guys reach climax.” He paused and looked over his shoulder as he squeezed a tube of paint onto the palette. “and they aren’t able to continue?”

I nodded my head and attempted to swallow. I opened my mouth and released an almost audible yes. Although I knew what I was trying to say, I was quite certain Jak heard nothing.

“Well, after I come I’m going to prove a point. I’m going to fuck you until one of us either cums, gives up, or collapses. My guess is I’ll do none of the above,” he said.



He picked up my laptop, opened it, and carried it to where I stood. “Unlock this, please.”

With shaking hands, I logged onto my computer as he stood beside me in his boxer shorts. I was so aroused I could barely think. After steadying the laptop, he grabbed my hair in his free hand and pulled it into a tight ponytail. As he balanced it in front of me, I saw my sexually frustrated face on the screen. He had obviously activated my web cam. As I stared into the lens and attempted not to focus on Jak standing beside me, he pulled my hair taught and breathed into my ear.

“Smile, Karter. When you like what you see, take a pic. It’s what you’re going to be painting in a moment. And every time I look at the painting, I’m going to think ofstroking my big cock and cumming all over you while you were painting it.” His warm breath and the thought of him cumming on me caused my knees to buckle.

Oh my fuck.



I turned my head to the right and exposed the left side of my face to the camera. With Jak still pulling my hair tight, I opened my eyes wide and lowered my chin. I moved the cursor and tapped my shaking index finger on the right click button. Instantly, a likeness of my face appeared on the screen. Jak released my hair and admired the photo over my shoulder.

“You’re gorgeous, Karter,” he growled into my ear.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and attempted to straighten my shaking knees. I felt my pussy dripping down my inner thighs. There was no way I’d last a minute with Jak. Not now. I was ready to cum and we hadn’t even started yet. As I stood and allowed my mind to float away to thoughts of Jak punishing me sexually, he took the computer from my hands and lowered it to the floor in front of me. Still bent at the knees, he removed his boxers and tilted the screen of the computer back as far as he could. As he clutched his cock in his right hand, he pointed to the palette with his left.

“Get busy painting. Remember, don’t focus on me, keep painting until I cum, and stay quiet,” he demanded as he began to stroke his cock.

I bent over and picked up a brush and the palette. I desperately wanted Jak to fuck me. Now sitting cross legged on the floor beside the computer, Jak began to work his clenched fist up and down the shaft of his massive cock. I glanced at the screen of the computer, studied the photo of my face, and watched as Jak slowly stroked himself. After becoming slightly more uncomfortably aroused, I began to paint.

As I painted my depiction of the photo on the screen, Jak began to tease me. He stood from the floor, walked to my side, and continued working his hand against his cock. It took every bit of reservation I could gather to focus on the screen and not glance at Jak as he masturbated. Eventually, he sat on the floor beside the laptop and sighed heavily.

“You know Karter, I could stroke this big cock of mine all day. I’ve got seventeen years of practice. But there’s something about looking at you that makes me horny as absolute fuck.” He leaned forward and positioned his face a matter of inches from my thighs.

I’d had never heard Jak say fuck that I could recall. Seeing him like this was a huge turn on. I lifted my left foot and spread my feet shoulder width apart in hopes of something. Jak’s face now inches from my crotch, he looked upward. “It could be the fact your pussy is dripping down your leg. Are you horny, Karter? Do you want me to fuck you?”