Page 191 of S is for SEX


Be careful what you wish for. I’ve heard it. I’ve preached it. I had a sinking suspicion just to prove a point Axton would attempt to make me regret ever telling him I wanted rough and adventurous sex. Axton wasn’t much of a practical joker or a prankster of any sort. He was all business. As I was wondering exactly what I signed on for, he pulled his bike along a side street in Winfield and parked it alongside the curb.

“Well, get off,” he insisted after he parked.

He turned the ignition to lock, and put the keys in his front pocket. “You hear me?”

“I’m getting off,” I said as I stepped off the bike and looked around.

“Follow me,” he said as he began walking down the sidewalk.

“You kind of like really stand out. You’re fucking huge, covered in tattoos, and you’re wearing a 1%er cut. Someone’s going to call the cops,” I said as I attempted to catch up with his long stride.

He continued to walk silently.

“I fit in. I’m a cute college girl wearing roll-hem jean shorts and a Pink tee. Hey, slow down,” I said between breaths as I tried to catch up with him.

“You’re a college graduate who talks too fucking much. Be quiet,” he said flatly.

As we turned a corner and began walking down another residential side street, I stopped and stared. A police cruiser was parked in the street two houses down from where we were.

“Cops,” I announced as I pointed toward the car.

“No shit,” he sighed as he continued walking.

As we walked up to the car, it became apparent what he had planned. At least where he planned to fuck me was clear.

“Watch for the cop, I’m going to look for a spare key,” he whispered as he lowered himself to the ground.

I scanned the street in both directions. “You’re going to steal a fucking cop car?”

“No, I’m not going to steal the motherfucker. Now be fucking quiet. They always keep a key in one of those magnetic key holders on the frame of the car, just in case they get locked out. Just stand there and look pretty,” he said as he slid under the car.

As I listened to him groan and grunt, his feet moved along the outside of the car, indicating where he was looking for the key. Honestly, I had no desire to have sex in a cop car. It would be exciting I suppose, but we would definitely go to jail if we were caught. I’m sure in a small town like Winfield it would be written up in the local newspaper as well. My professors would certainly have a long laugh at my expense.

Please, don’t find it.

I looked up and down the block for pedestrians, neighbors, and of course, the cop. It was nine o’clock at night in the summer, and it had only been dark for fifteen minutes. No one was in bed yet; everyone was up and watching television or cleaning up the mess from dinner. As I attempted to look innocent, he said the three words I had hoped he wouldn’t.

“I found it!” he whispered.

As he slid out from under the car, I inhaled a shallow breath and sighed heavily.

“When I open the door, the interior light is going to come on. If I don’t start the car, it’ll stay on for ninety seconds or so; and I don’t intend to start it. So, during that time, you little smart-ass, you’re going to suck my cock. That way you’ll be hidden. When the light goes out, we’ll figure it out from there,” he said as he held the key in front of him.

I glanced up and down the block. The street lights illuminated the street rather well. As a girl, I had always felt the city’s streets were dark and scary at night. Now, standing beside the cop car thinking of sucking Axton’s cock, the street seemed to be illuminated all too well.

“Do they like add street lights on the blocks where the cops live? It’s like day time out here,” I complained.

He pressed the button on the key and unlocked the door. As he glanced up toward the house, he nodded his head toward the car and gave me his command. “Get the fuck in.”

He pulled the door open and slid into the seat. “Come on.”

I rolled my eyes and slid in beside him. As he had guessed, the light stayed on long after he shut the door. I sat in the car with my heart beating through my chest, hoping I didn’t see a cop walk up and beat on the window. As I planned my escape route just in case, he unbuckled his belt.

“Get down so they don’t see you,” he whispered as he pulled out his cock.

“Jesus, Axton. You’re already hard as fuck. I thought you had problems with that?” I chuckled.