Page 189 of S is for SEX


Yet another sexless shower with Axton, and I was frustrated beyond comprehension. My sheer attraction to him, his gorgeous looks, and the fact he was hung like an absolute motherfucker made seeing him naked, and not having sex, all too difficult. As I walked to his room wrapped in a towel, I wondered what color baggy sweats he was going to give me to wear.

Standing beside the bed shirtless and dressed in pajama pants, Axton seemed out of place. All I had ever seen him wear were jeans, short of falling asleep with him the night before. And, on that night, he wore black sweats. They were close enough to the appearance of jeans it just seemed as if he were wearing black jeans. Standing in the well-lit room in plaid cotton pants was something new, and as much as I hated to admit it, I liked it. I liked it a lot.

As I entered the room, he turned his upper body toward me. His face seemed to harbor a hint or embarrassment or guilt. Probably from all of the scars, I figured. As drawn as I was to his muscular body, I made a conscious effort to shift my gaze away from him and not stare. As I prepared to ask him what he wanted me to wear, he reached for the bed and lifted up a black cotton spaghetti-strap summer dress.

“Put this on, I want to see you in it,” he said as he dangled the dress in front of him.

Seriously? I don’t want to wear one of your former slut’s clothes.

I scrunched my nose slightly. “Uhhm, where’d you get it?”

“I bought it from the mall last week when I went to Wichita. I shoved the bag behind my Mexican blanket. Fucker flapped all the way here, I thought it was going to fly off, but it made the trip,” he said.

You bought me a dress?

Short of a gift from my father as a child, no man had ever bought me anything. I bit my quivering lower lip and held out my hand. As he tossed the dress over my outstretched arm, he smiled a genuine smile. As I admired his teeth, I silently wished he’d smile more. He didn’t have the teeth of what I would have expected a biker to have; they were quite straight and considerably whiter than mine. I lifted the dress and glanced at the tag.

Von Maur, size 2, $125.00. Holy shit, Axton. You didn’t have to…

“I was headed back from a meeting with a few other clubs and I stopped to see what they had. I thought you’d look cute in that little fucker. Hell, all you ever wear are shorts. Suppose you can’t wear it on the bike, so you just as well put it on now,” he said.

I dropped the towel, and stood completely naked in front of him. I pulled the dress over my head, along my torso, and past my hips. It fit perfectly. After remembering he didn’t have a mirror in his room, I held my index finger in the air excitedly. “Hold please.”

I ran to the bathroom and opened the door. Standing in the opening, I looked into the mirror. Not only did the dress fit perfectly, it appeared I had gained a few pounds in all the right places. I turned, pressed the dress to my stomach and gazed in the mirror. I bend down slightly and stared at my reflection. I looked marvelous; I was braless and it looked like I actually had cleavage. My butt looked cute. As I felt Axton’s presence behind me, I turned to face him. My mouth said the words thank you, but no sound escaped my lips. Overcome with joy, lust, a strong sense of self-worth, and an attraction to the man standing before me, I merely stood and stared.

“You uhhm. You look beautiful, Avery,” he stammered.

Unable to speak without blubbering, I raised my hands in the air, smiled, and repeated my silent thank you. I watched curiously as he reached over, slipped one arm behind my legs, another along my shoulders, and picked me up from my feet. My head began to spin. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he carried me toward the room. As he lowered me to the bed, I realized I didn’t care what his next move was. The dress, my newfound curvaceous body, his expression of my beauty, and the progress we had made so far was enough for me to survive the entire summer.

With my legs dangling over the edge slightly, he knelt on the floor at the end of the bed and raised his index finger to his lips. I lifted myself onto my elbows and watched as he pushed my thighs apart, raised the dress to my waist, and positioned his head between my thighs. Softly, his mouth kissed up the length of my thighs until I felt his tongue against my overly anxious pussy. My entire body shuddered as I felt his tongue against my clit.

Oh God, seriously? We went from zero to a hundred miles an hour instantly.

The slight pressure from his finger penetrating me caused me to inhale sharply. I bit my lower lip and craned my neck to watch as he slowly began to finger me and lick my soaking wet pussy simultaneously. The rhythmic motions of both his tongue against my clit and his finger working in and out of my wetness became expected and quite a pleasure. Anticipating each pleasurable move, my breathing began to be as predictable as his tongue and finger.

If you expect me to last any length of time, we’d better slow down.

I felt myself reaching a climax of new proportion. After Axton, my vibrator would become useless, and every orgasm preceding this one would be nothing short of some faint memory which would eventually fade into nothingness. As he continued to lick and slurp against my clit and work his magic finger in and out, l lowered my head and bit my lip.

I couldn’t watch any longer. His two day’s growth of bad-boy beard and the muscles in his arms combined with his love for sucking and licking my pussy proved to be all too much. I wanted this to last at least another sixty seconds before I exploded into another atmosphere. My ears began to ring, and I felt itchy all over.




“Holy fucking Jesus fuck!” I screamed.

I felt as if I was going to die. The, I’m headed to heaven type of death, not the, Oh shit I’m going to die type. Knowing heaven had no place for a girl like me, I continued to scream as I opened and closed my eyes repeatedly. Visions of Axton came and went and he continued to flick his tongue against my now swollen clit. Combined with his finger’s ability to find whatever the fuck that spot is on the top of my pussy, he extractedanother earth shattering orgasm.

“Oh…” I bit against my lip.

I opened my mouth and stared at the ceiling. “My…”

I looked down at his face, still buried between my thighs, and blinked repeatedly, “Axton…”