I had never stepped into a day expecting it to be any different than any other day. A particular date, month, or year didn’t reserve a special place in my heart or on my calendar. For me to determine if a day was special, it had to end first, and as I reflected on the events of the day, I placed a value on it. Holidays, birthdays, or days of the week were simply days, regardless of their position within a week, month, or year. Any of them could end up great, mediocre, or just plain awful.
“I was thinking maybe we could go over to the pizza place or something,” Sydney said.
“And I was thinking we’d stay here and…”
I leaned into her and kissed her neck. I had minimal experience kissing, touching, or even caring about a woman until I met Sydney. Now, based on her comments and expression about what she liked and disliked, I truly looked forward to satisfying her sexually as well as sensually.
As I gripped her upper arms lightly in my hands and continued to press my face into her neck and kiss her aggressively, goosebumps rose along her arms. I lightly began to nibble along her heck until I reached her shoulder. As I softly kissed and licked the base of her neck, she sighed and shook her arms.
“Forget the pizza, keep doing that,” she said as she exhaled audibly.
I lifted her from her feet and carried her toward the couch.
“You’re going to hurt your…” she began.
“Shhh, I’ll be the judge of that,” I whispered as I lowered her onto the cushion.
I knelt on the floor at the base of the couch and began to kiss her stomach and hips. As she moaned and squirmed, I lifted her shirt over her head. After unsnapping her bra and tossing it to the side, I began softly sucking and licking her nipples. Caressing her breasts as I sucked them, I watched her face as I did. As she watched me sucking her boobs, I observed the expressions on her face. I had learned from simply paying attention that she liked watching me suck and lick her tits as much as I enjoyed doing it. As she began to bite her lower lip and stare down at my mouth, I bit her nipple lightly between my teeth.
“Oh fucking fuck,” she said as she released her lip and bit into it more aggressively.
I released her nipple and began sloppily kissing and sucking her breast.
“Mmmm,” she cooed.
I reached down between her legs, and slid my hand along her thigh and under her shorts. As my finger fumbled underneath her panties, she gasped. She was wet all the way down to the crack of her ass.
I pulled against the waist of her shorts, and fumbled with the button. After finally unfastening the waist, I pulled them to her feet and tossed them aside. Now lying on the couch in only her underwear, I stood and admired her.
As I stood, it was obvious I was beyond ready. My cock was fighting for freedom. I unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned my jeans, and pulled them down to my thighs. As my swollen shaft bounced upward, and free of my jeans, she leaned forward on the couch and gripped it in her hand.
“Stick it in my mouth,” she moaned.
I laughed. “Oh hell no, you’re not tricking me into that bullshit, not tonight.”
She gazed upward and batted her brown eyes. “What?”
I pressed my hands to my hips and shook my head. “You know what. I can’t last five minutes with you sucking on my cock. I want to fuck.”
As I reached down to push my jeans to the floor, she leaned forward and started slurping and sucking the tip of my cock. As I fought with my jeans, she continued. Finally, as I kicked the jeans free from my feet, I leaned backward, and pulled my cock from her very capable mouth.
I reached down and grabbed the hips of her panties with both hands.
“I…” I yanked against the fabric.
“Want…” I yanked again.
She stared up at me with wide eyes.
“These…” I said as I pulled sharply.
As the panties snapped in two, I pulled upward on the fabric, pulling the lower part from beneath her ass, and tossed them aside.
“I’m done fucking around, I’m dying here,” I said as I pulled my shirt over my head and crawled onto the sofa.