Page 169 of S is for SEX


“The next time you try and squirm away from me, I’m going to slap that ass of yours so hard the entire park comes over here,” he said between his teeth in a harsh tone.

He’d been fucking me from behind while I was bent over the park bench with my dress around my neck. My bra and panties were beside the bench in the grass, and the cold concrete against my bare boobs reminded me of when he used to fuck me in my mother’s back yard, adding to the sensuality of it all. Allowing Otis to fuck me however he wanted was a specialty of mine, but being quiet and holding still weren’t necessarily my forte.

As the sound of his hips pounding against my ass rang throughout the entrance of the Shakespeare Garden, I bit into my lower lip so hard it began to bleed. I gripped the edges of the bench and lifted my chest from the bench, along my nipples to barely graze against the edge of the cold concrete.

The consistent sound of not so distant voices kept my level of excitement elevated and provided an assurance my pussy wasn’t going to dry up anytime soon.

My eyes naturally rolled back into my head as my overly sensitive nipples danced along the top of the concrete bench. The sensation was almost too much for me to bear. Although my pussy wasn’t ready for his thick cock a few weeks before, the excitement of him fucking me in the park combined with actually seeing people walk past as we did so caused my pussy to become a wet and very willing receptacle for his swollen rod.

As his balls slapped against my clit for the thousandth time, I released my lip and groaned into the late evening air. One more thrust, and I made a feeble attempt to escape as his cock pounded deep into me, pressing my thighs into the end of the bench.

“What the fuck did I tell you?” he growled.

“Still,” I heaved.



He bent over, forcing his chest into my back and pressing me against the cool concrete slab. As he ground his face into the side of mine, he breathed into my ear.

“And fucking quiet,” he whispered.

The warm air that escaped from his lips caused me to shudder. As goosebumps rose along my left arm, he lifted his chest from my back and slapped my ass with the palm of his hand. As I felt his cock slide from my ever so wanting pussy, I gasped as I turned around.

“Don’t stop, I’m sorry, I’ll be good,” I begged.

I watched in utter horror as he pulled his jeans up and over his still stiff cock. As he buckled his belt and narrowed his eyes, I stood and sadly pulled down my dress. He pressed his hands into his hips glared at me for a few seconds and eventually crossed his arms and sighed loudly.

“Don’t fucking move, Sam. Sit right there, out of fucking sight,” he demanded as he turned away.

“But…” I began.

He stopped and glanced over his shoulder.

“Don’t. Fucking. Move.”

In what was no more than a matter of seconds, but seemed to be an eternity, I sat nervously - hidden by the shrubbery - and waited as I heard a hint of his voice as he was talking to someone. Although he wasn’t within my range of vision, he didn’t sound like he was very far away. Another male voice I didn’t recognize appeared to be talking to him. After a few seconds, the voices became closer, clear, and more distinct. As Otis came around the corner of the entrance another much younger man followed. Shocked, I stood from my seat.

“Sit the fuck down,” Otis demanded.

“Dude…” the other man said as we made eye contact.

Before he had a chance to continue, Otis interrupted him, “Just shut the fuck up for a minute, before I slap the shit out of you.”

The man, who appeared to be a hipster in his early twenties, stood immediately behind Otis, attempting to peer over his shoulder. As Otis stepped to the side, the tall, thin, bearded youngster stood in apparent shock staring at me.

“She’s my girlfriend, there’s nothing funny going on, other than we’re a couple of sexual weirdos. All you’re going to do is hold her down,” Otis explained.

“Otis!” I hissed in a loud whisper.

He crossed his arms and sighed harshly as he shook his head. “I’m not going to warn you again, Sam.”

As I gazed beyond him and focused on the tall thin man, the thought of him holding me down while Otis fucked me caused me to writhe where I stood in anticipated pleasure. If anyone could pull it off, Otis could.

“Dude, I’m not…” the thin hipster began.