Page 162 of S is for SEX

Squeeze my titties while you fuck me.

With his hips pounding against my ass and my back arched, his cock was beating a tune against my g-spot. As his three available fingers continued to squeeze my boobs, his thumb and forefinger maintained pressure on my nipples. The sensation of it all became too much and my body began to shudder.

And that was it.

The beginning of the ever so miraculous orgasm that filled my body, mind, and spirit with hope, desire, dreams, and love shook me to my inner being. As it continued, I groaned into the room.

“Ohhhh God yes,” I moaned as he continued to pinch my nipples and pummel my g-spot.

As I continued to float out into orgasmic heaven, I didn’t realize he had released my nipples from his grasp. Only when his hand came down against the side of my ass did I realize through my shock, stinging ass cheek, and heightened sense of sexual sensation that he had freed his hands from my boobs.


The sound of the skin-on-skin contact echoed throughout the room. I glanced at the glass wall, for some reason expecting the people in the gym to have heard it and now be eagerly watching him continue to fuck me like his little sexual play toy I was eager to become.

“This tight little pussy of yours…” he grunted as he continued to pound his cock into my wetness.

“Is almost…too much,” he groaned as he gripped my ass with both hands.

My legs were rubber, my pussy was on fire, and my body felt like I was floating in a cloud of sheer bliss. As much as I wanted to continue to fuck, my poor pussy was incapable of even one more moment of punishment.

I was done.

“Cum on my face,” I grunted as he spread my ass cheeks apart with his hands.

I thought the offer alone would excite him enough to get him to stop fucking me for a moment and consider it. During his down time, I figured I could come up with something that might encourage him to pull out of my pussy and finish elsewhere.

“Titty fuck me,” I said.

“You horny little bitch,” he breathed as he slowly pulled his cock from my wet pussy.

“Come here,” he growled as he grabbed a fistful of my hair.

I had obviously aroused the alpha male side of him I so desperately desired. As he tugged against my hair, I stood from my position at the table, kicked my shorts and panties to the side, and followed him as he shuffled toward the glass wall, restrained from taking large steps by the jeans still wrapped around his ankles.

As he came to a stop at the glass window, I looked upward and through the glass. The man and woman had stopped their workout, and stood talking beside the machines as they stared into the glass.

“Knees,” he demanded as he released my hair.

I eagerly dropped to my knees.

“Open,” he breathed.

I opened my mouth and raised my hands to my chest. As I massaged my boobs in my hands, he guided his cock past my waiting lips. He methodically began to work his manhood in and out of my mouth, allowing me to fantasize about the people on the other side of the wall actually witnessing me suck his dick. As I closed my eyes and drifted into la-la land, he slowly pulled his cock from deep inside my throat.

“Watch me,” he demanded.

I opened my eyes and anxiously watched as he stroked his cock vigorously. His swollen forearm and bicep were as much of a turn-on as him stroking his cock in my face. After roughly thirty seconds, he arched his back, began to moan, and pressed his free hand against my forehead, tilting my head slightly back. As I moaned in anticipation and continued to squeeze my boobs, he released my head and pounded his fist against the glass.

Kneeling in front of him squeezing my boobs like the sexually deprived woman I undoubtedly was, my eyes remained locked on his throbbing cock as his clenched fist worked to milk it of the special gift he reserved for me. I moaned in a combination of excitement and relief as I watched cum spurt from the tip and onto my face, lips, and into my mouth. As he groaned in pleasure, he continued to beat against the glass and grin like a mad man.

When he finally stopped plastering me with his warm wet sentiment, he shuffled to the side and grabbed a folded towel from the table behind him.

“Holy shit Otis, that was a lot of cum,” I said as I dragged my fingers across my face like little squeegees.

“Here, wipe off,” he said as he handed me the towel.

As I cleaned my face I noticed he glanced up at the glass and smiled.