“That’s right. Arch that back good, Kat. I want to get that spot. You know the one,” he breathed.
Do I ever…
“Do it,” I growled, “Do it…”
After a second of slight pressure against my pussy, it opened up like a spring tulip, allowing his length to easily slide inside. As he slowly began to fuck my pussy with his massive cock, his finger continued to fuck my ass. The sensation of both holes being filled at once was embarrassingly sensual. I bit my bottom lip, hoping the sensation would last forever, but knowing I was a matter of minutes from collapse.
He pulled against my hair sharply. As I arched my back further, the tip of his cock pressed against my g-spot. A tingling sensation throughout my lady bits reminded me once again of Dalton’s sexual strength.
He knew how to fuck me right.
And he had the equipment to do it.
“You like that little finger of mine in your ass, Kat?” he asked through his teeth.
I lifted my head from the bed, “Yes. Yes I do.”
His cock slid back and forth, sending a sensation throughout my lower body with each in stroke. His speed increased and within a few seconds he was pounding himself into me with tremendous speed, his hips pounding against my ass and his tight scrotum slapping against my clit with each stroke. His finger continued to fuck my ass, causing a tingling that seemed to connect my ass to my pussy. My mind had gone into sexual sensory overload. It was almost as if my brain was incapable of realizing all of the feelings my body was experiencing in real time.
My body began to tense into one solid contracted muscle.
This was going to be it.
I was going to die.
I clenched my eyes closed and focused.
And he stopped.
He slowly pulled his cock from my sopping wet pussy, and his finger from my perfectly satisfied virgin ass. I opened my eyes, turned my head to the side, and pulled against the restraints.
“No, don’t stop. I was…” I begged.
I realized I was out of breath and attempted to take another gulp of air and speak my mind.
While my mind worked to catch up with my body and my tongue sought a little guidance to form the words I desperately needed to say, I felt pressure once again against my ass.
Thank God.
I sighed and pushed my face into the comforter.
But it wasn’t his finger this time.
A light vibration and a little more girth caused me to open my mouth and widen my eyes. I had no idea what he’d snuck out of the dresser and onto the bed, but whatever it was…
I loved.
With my mouth agape and my mind reeling to accept a totally new feeling of sensual and sensual bliss, I willingly allowed him to explore my ass with his buzzing butt toy.
In and out of my ass he slid the joyous delight. I bit my lower lip, knowing I was enjoying the experience far more than I should. I had no idea if this was punishment, an effort on his part to get me to scream uncle, or if he intended for it to be pleasurable, but I was loving every minute of it, and every stroke of my little buzzing friend. I pulled against the restraints, released my lip, and began to breathe heavily.
I desperately needed to rub my clit and cast myself off into space.
“You like it when I fuck that tight little ass, Kat?” he said through his teeth.
I opened my mouth and craned my neck slightly. The words came a few seconds later, cast from my lungs in a bust of warm breath.
“Love it,” I heaved.