Page 154 of S is for SEX

For now, I’d settle for Dalton knowing.

As I felt his cock swell inside of me, I knew he was close to climax. As I bellowed my tune of ecstasy into the cushion, I felt his cock slowly pull from my dripping pussy. He moved his hand from the back of my head, causing my shoulders to naturally lift slightly.

“Turn around, I want you to see this,” he said under his breath.

With my boobs still resting on the chair and my ass still high in the air, I craned my aching neck to look behind me. As my gaze met his throbbing cock, I watched him stroke it twice before it exploded between my ass cheeks.

He stroked it a few more times, spurting warm cum onto my ass and pussy with each stroke. Some girls may have been repulsed. Some might have felt belittled or less of a woman as a result.

I felt blessed.

Because for that moment - as the cum ran along my ass and dripped onto the lounge - not only was I truly his, but he was mine.

And in my mind at least, there was no denying it.