I heard the paddle fall to the floor beside the bed. The unmistakable metallic clank of his belt unbuckling followed. Then, I grinned as I recognized the sound of his zipper being unzipped. As my ass continued to burn from the previous swat of the wooden paddle, I heard a noise similar to opening the mints the usher gave away at the movie theatre.
A condom?
The left edge of the bed shifted downward as it absorbed his weight, and almost immediately I felt his massive chest press against my side. As the forearm of his right arm pressed into the middle of my back, his hand gathered my hair and gripped it tightly. He pulled against it, lifting my head from the bed as he breathed into my right ear.
“Not a word,” he exhaled into my ear.
Fearing the paddle if I responded, and further fearing the paddle if I didn’t say ‘Yes, Sir,’ I opted to keep my mouth shut. As close as I was able to discern, I only needed to respond if he asked me a question.
And, he had not.
With my muscles tensed in anticipation of the swat, he crawled on top of me. I felt his cock against my inner thigh as he situated himself, and realized as much as I wanted him to be inside of me, his instructions were clear.
No orgasms.
As I felt him begin to guide himself into my throbbing mound, I realized I had never seen him naked. I had never seen his cock. I had no idea if he was massive, sufficient, or small. Although it didn’t really matter at this point in time, I for some reason found it odd. While my mind soared into the possibilities of someday seeing him naked, his lack of continued penetration left me wondering just what he was packing between his legs.
And, as soon as the wonder filled my mind, the feeling of being impaled removed all speculation.
Oh dear lord.
I arched my back the best I was able and attempted unsuccessfully to lift my ass in the air. The angle at which he was now fucking me was determined primarily by the fact I was tied to the bed and stretched to my limits. My arms extended straight out toward each corner of the bed, and my legs stretched in the same manner, he was forcing himself inside of me at an odd angle.
Odd, but beyond pleasurable.
With each stroke, the tip of his apparently massive cock was grinding against my g-spot. At this rate, I knew I’d be lucky to last thirty seconds. I had no idea what the punishment would be for not following his instructions, but granting his request of not reaching climax was going to be impossible.
As he rhythmically worked himself in and out of my ever-so-willing pussy, instead of fully enjoying the experience, I worried. After what was probably only a few seconds, but seemed like thirty minutes, I decided to count my accounts receivable list as I could best recall them.
In alphabetical order.
When I reached the letter ‘D’, he was roughly thirty strokes into the torturous affair. I could feel every millimeter of his length as it slid past my wet pussy lips. Within a matter of seconds, I was certain I would explode.
His tight scrotum pounding against my swollen clit didn’t help matters.
As I felt him tugging against my hair, I was reminded there was a lot more going on than I was even capable of comprehending. His warm breath against my right ear warned me he was going to say something, undoubtedly causing me to make a decision I would inevitably screw up.
“If you pleasure yourself with an orgasm, Em, there’ll be hell to pay,” he breathed into my ear.
I bit my lower lip and began my effort to recall all of my clients in reverse, starting with ‘Z’.
He continued to pull against my hair, pound his hips against my ass, and force every inch of himself inside my aching pussy, all the while breathing into my ear with each stroke.
After a few more minutes, my level of arousal had risen to a point of no return. The absence of my sight, his warm breath against my ear, the sound of his skin slapping against mine, and the lingering smell of sex proved to be more than I was able to dismiss. I felt myself begin to contract making each stroke of his cock that much more pleasurable.
“If you come, I’ll paddle your ass so hard you’ll wish for the next year you hadn’t,” he growled, “Do you understand me?”
“Yes,” I whimpered.
As I felt his weight begin to shift, I corrected myself, “Yes, Sir!”
His torture continued. Now fucking me as if I were his last potential piece of ass on earth, he pulled my hair taught, arching my back, and thrust himself into my twat as if possessed by the devil himself. Although the entire event had previously been without speaking for the most part, his methods changed within an instant of his newfound energetic pattern of providing me pleasure.
“Fuck yes, Em, that little pussy of yours is a tight little fucker,” he bellowed.
“You like that big cock?’ he asked.