Page 121 of S is for SEX

Within a few seconds his breathing increased and he leaned back onto his heels.

“Oh fuck,” he sighed.

And he began to erupt.

Cum spurted out of the tip of his cock, landing six feet away onto the concrete deck Another spurt, this time landing a few feet away, followed by a third, landing at his feet.

Holy fuck that’s hot.

He opened his eyes and grinned.

“You didn’t…” I whispered as I nodded my head toward his waist.

He shook his head. “I wanted you to see what you do to me.”

I tugged at the bottom of my dress, attempting to minimize the wrinkles and the soon to be asked questions.

“That was fucking hot,” I said.

He pulled up his jeans, buckled his belt, and did his best to make his shirt look neat.

“Come on before we get in trouble,” he said as he walked past me.

I glanced down at the puddles of cum on the concrete. “Uhhm, what about all that? Someone will slip and fall.”

He shrugged his shoulders.

I shrugged mine and followed him into the house.

Everyone was standing around the table talking.

“Glad you could make it,” Axton said.

“We were just taking a tour,” Vince said.

I grinned at Avery and immediately felt guilty, so I shifted my eyes to the table.

“Been talking to Otis?” Axton asked.

I glanced up. Axton’s eyes were fixed on Vince’s.

“Who’s Otis?” I asked.

Axton shifted his eyes toward me. “He’s one of the fellas. His Ol’ Lady’s got a flower garden and gazebo just like what’s out there. They sure like it.”

I nodded my head and grinned. Axton shifted his eyes back to Vince and smiled. “They use it a lot. I was just wondering if ol’ Vince here had been talking to Otis about it. Maybe getting a few pointers.”

Axton chuckled and turned to face me.

“So how you doing, Kid?” he asked.

“Good,” I said.

“I bet you are,” he said with a nod. “I bet you are.”