The bounce of a mahogany curl.

The terrified hazel eye catching his over a shoulder.

Archer entered the aisle, leaving his basket where he stood, and walked purposefully toward the man. He place his hand on the man’s shoulder, and in one swoop spun him around and pushed him against the metal shelf.

Classically attractive, with a short beard and strong jaw. Dirty blonde hair. Green eyes empty of any emotion.

“Can I help you?” The man smiled, as if knowing there wasn’t jack shit Archer could do unless he wanted the police involved.

He took a step back, glancing at Molly. She had shrunk against the opposite shelf, holding her arm and staring at Archer. She had that same fire gleaming from her eyes.

Whatever the issue, she was okay. For now.

Archer turned back to him, hissing through his teeth. “I want you to know that if you touch her again, I’m coming for you.”

The man just smiled.

Archer gave him a last push into the shelf before throwing his arm around Molly and walking her out of the store.

“Where’s your car?” he asked, gently guiding her where she pointed. He wanted the man to see he was with her, not just some guy in the store.

Archer opened the door for her and got in on the passenger side. When he faced her, she was staring out the windshield.

“Molly, are you okay?”

She nodded, but didn’t look at him.

“Molly, let me see your arm.”

“It’s fine,” she whispered. She turned and held it out, her bicep red. There may be light bruising over the next few days, but she was physically okay. Emotionally…

She still didn’t look at him.

“How dangerous is he?”

That got her attention, and the pleading in her eyes, the tears welling up, said everything he needed to know. His blood was boiling, anxious to go make in and pummel him into the ground.

He let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “I don’t need to know the story, but I need you to trust me. Okay?”

She bit her lower lip, and nodded.


Over the last few days, Dragan had worked his plan. He didn’t care how desperate he looked, only that June could see he wasn’t going without a fight.

He had already sent a box of cat toys and treats, for Krantz. He sent floral arrangements, one for June and one for Missy, and a bottle of gin for Walter. Then he sent a first edition copy of Wuthering Heights, her favorite book. He sent enough sunflowers to fill the office room in the back of the bookstore. He’d even driven down to New York City to buy a new suit.

And then he found a house for sale in Oak Valley he thought she would love, paying the couple who loved there to be away tomorrow night.

It was his last move that was going to either sink or swim him.

He checked the tracking on his next package, a Chanel dress he sent with a note to meet him at an address tomorrow night. The address was that house, and tomorrow he and the guys would be going around to collect what magnolias were left to line the house’s walkway.

Having money wasn’t everything, but it sure did help.

He just needed her to know it wasn’t about money for him, not if he didn’t have her at his side.

A knock at his front door dragged Dragan from his office, where he was working on the app company’s next project. Opening the door, he stopped in his tracks.