Molly chewed the inside of her lip. “If you’re going to ask so many questions, you can buy me a drink.” She smiled sweetly at him, and goddamnit if Archer didn’t want to buy her the whole goddamn bar.


He hailed the bar tender and passed her the glass. “Okay. Tell me about this lover’s quarrel.”

“Not much to say,” she said, sipping her beer. “Anna told me she was there when he came into the bookstore, and they talked about how there wasn’t a spark, and how June told Anna they went on a couple dates and made out a bit. That’s all.”

“D—do you know when this happened?”

She shrugged, darting her eyes around the crowd. “I don’t, but it sounded recent. Like within the last few weeks.”

Shit. Archer knew it would break Dragan, knowing June was seeing someone while they were seeing each other. But Archer didn’t know the terms of their relationship, if they were exclusive or dating or just fucking.

Molly froze, downing her drink and slamming it on the bar. She turned to him quickly, that tight smile back. “Thanks for the drink, I’ll catch you around.”

She looked around again and patted his arm before darting into the crowd. Archer was stunned at the whirlwind of information, her sudden departure, and lost his eye on her.

Walking back to the guys, he tried to sort out how he would tell Dragan — it wasn’t his business, but he didn’t want his buddy to be walking into a nightmare situation with his best friend. Not when he was already dealing with his dad, and the sale of their app would be announced worldwide by the publicity team at Meta.

Archer sat down with the guys, sliding into his seat. But he was only half paying attention. He couldn’t figure out what was going on with Molly, but something told him it wasn’t good. She’d been alert, worried, nervous. Archer scanned the bar, not seeing anything or anyone that raised his hackles.

But, then again, he didn’t know Molly. He didn’t know who she was or what she was involved in, only that his body tensed and his heart raced at the thought of her in trouble.


Dragan watched Colton look around his apartment, newly furnished and with a security system Archer had installed and was booting up on Dragan’s laptop and phone.

Even if his dad dared to return, he’d be ready for him.

“Nice place, man,” Colton smiled, clinking his tumbler against Dragan’s.

“Thanks, I looked online and then decided to order IKEA.”

Colton laughed. “I get it. When you’re ready to buy things not from IKEA, let me know. I’m your guy. Did June help you out?”

Archer looked up quickly before going back to his work.

“Nah, just me.”

Archer cleared his throat.

Dragan glanced at Colton, who looked just as confused as he felt.

“My dude,” Colton said. “You okay?”

Archer looked up. “Who, me?”

“Yeah, you dumbass.”

“Fine. Why?”

“Because you’re the worst liar in the state,” Dragan laughed nervously. “Why you acting weird?”

Archer pursed his lips, tapping his fingers on the table before closing the laptop. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked between them. Dragan’s nerves were on high-alert.

“There’s no easy way to say this,” he looked at Dragan. “And I don’t know the status of you relationship with June. But what do you know about her and Rhys Dougherty?”

Dragan’s blood boiled at the cocky bastard’s name. He clenched his fists. “That he flirts with her any chance he gets. Why? What do you know?”