Cheers was fairly busy for a weeknight. Archer drank his pint, looking at Caleb, Liam, and Dean over the rim.

As the single guys of the group, they had to band together.

“So yeah, if you see D’s piece of shit dad, let me know,” Caleb finished recapping what happened at Dragan’s place and slammed the rest of his beer. Archer shook his head, his mind drifting to his best friend.

They looked out for one another. If there was any way Archer could put James Carter in the ground, he would. He knew how to hide a body, and he knew how to cover his tracks.

He finished his drink. If there was a way, he would.

“Another round?” Caleb asked, standing. He wasn’t as sullen as usual, probably in part because he didn’t have to listen to anyone going go-goo over their girlfriend. Caleb had a lot of sore spots, but seeing other people in love was his biggest. He’d never had a great love, didn’t know what it felt like.

Archer stood. “I’ll join.”

They pushed through the crowd to the bar, Caleb getting the bar tender’s attention immediately and placed an order for four more pints. Archer shook his head. It didn’t matter how many fires or medical emergencies he’d walked into, it was always the cops that got special treatment.

“Hey, stranger.”

Only one woman had a voice like that.

He smiled, turning to find Molly O’Hara behind him.

She was in bootcut jeans and a flannel, her wild somewhat tamed by a braid. It didn’t stop the halo of curls around her face, and he itched to tuck one behind her ear.

“Well, little miss. What brings you here?” Archer raised his eyebrows, not sure when he’d last seen her dressed so casually.

Her stretchy pajamas didn’t count, and he cleared his throat, trying to clear his mind of the beautiful image.

Molly rolled her eyes. “Oh, Jesus Christ. Don’t even with the little nickname. I appreciate you dealing with my smoke detector, but that’s it.” She stood on her tip-toes, trying to get the bar tender’s attention over the heads of everyone sitting at the bar. When it didn’t work, she huffed and glanced at Archer. “Don’t even think about it, I don’t need your help.”

He snorted. It didn’t matter that he was, in fact, about to get his attention — he didn’t want Molly to think he was ready to go out of his way again. “Thanks for offering for me. Most people just wait until someone actually offers help before turning them down.”

“What can I say, I’m not most people,” she said coyly, batting her eyelashes.

“Hey,” Caleb turned to Archer, glancing at Molly while he juggled three drinks. “I’m going to take these to the guys.”

Archer nodded, grabbing his drink from the bar, ready to have a repartee. But the playful Molly had disappeared. She gave a nod and a tight smile to someone behind Archer. When he turned, he saw the cocky grin of Rhys Dougherty across the room.

He turned back to Molly. “Lover’s quarrel?”

“With me?” She laughed. “No, god. Please. Not my type.” She made a face and scanned the crowd, crossing her arms over her chest.

Something was off.

“Hey, you sure?”


“You sure you’re okay?”

She had another quick look around, as if looking for someone, before giving him a tight smile. “Yep. June I think had a lover’s quarrel with him, but I’m not sure on the details.”

Had he heard her correctly?

“June? June Beaumont?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“What do you mean a lover’s quarrel?”