He could discern for himself that she loved him. That that’s what friends did for one another.

“June.” His eyes pleaded with hers. She wanted to give him permission to cross that threshold, to risk their friendship with the promise that everything would be okay.

But it was too risky a move to make off looks alone. She needed him to say it.

“I care about you, Dragan. We’ve been friends for forever, and you deserve nice things. That’s what… friends… do.” She raised a hand, hesitating before rubbing his back. Allowing the electricity of touching him ripple through her body, the heat working its way into her core.

Dragan stood and faced her. His full height was tremendous, and June craned her neck to see him. Taking a step forward, he was close enough to fold herself into him. His hand reached for her face before dropping to her shoulder, pulling her into a tight hug. His strong arms held her while she clung to his solid frame for dear life. His heart beat against her ear, the wall of his muscled chest her rock.

There were countless times when June warred against herself on telling him the truth. But it was times like this, when his touch said everything he couldn’t about how much they needed each other, when she was reminded loving him wasn’t worth the risk of losing him.

And that piece of freedom, of knowing it could never be, allowed her to fall into him a little deeper, to hold him a little tighter.


The silver Camry was still missing from the driveway, a blessing as Dragan took the porch steps two at a time. He opened the front door, greeted with laughter coming from the kitchen in the back.

“You guys should really lock the door,” he said, entering the room. His mom was at the stove — more soup, judging by the size of the pot and the wet spoon beside her — and all four of his siblings were squeezed around the table with Grandma Zofia, Aunt Nadia and Uncle Tomasz, and their kids Kasia and Michael. Dragan hadn’t seen his mom’s side of the family in person since he was little, and he was taken aback by the differences that FaceTime had failed to translate.

His grandma had gotten smaller but still held an air of steel around her, while his mom’s sister and her husband had fallen into a solid middle-age depiction — complete with graying hair and more pronounced wrinkles. His cousins, both in their early twenties, had grown into smart, ambitious adults and easily fell into step with his own siblings’ joking around.

Alice waited until he’d greeted the extended family before jumping up and giving him a hug. “Dragan! Sorry I missed you last time.”

He released her, giving nods to his brothers. “As long as you weren’t getting in trouble.”

She rolled her eyes, the guys pitching in on how that was the only thing she did. Kasia laughed, adding how it was every young woman’s right while Michael shook his head. His family continued talking and laughing while Dragan risked giving his mom a side hug, feeling her slight flinch before she settled into him. She was so small against him, smaller than he remembered, and the lines on her face deeper.

“You okay, Ma?” He pulled back. “Can I help with anything?”

She snorted and shook her head. “No, all is good. Go sit,zupavill be done soon.”

“Mom.” Leon gave her a look.

“Co? All is good.”

Cas shook his head. “Dad stopped by yesterday.”

Dragan froze, assessing what his middle sibling had said. His aunt and uncle side-eyed one another and his grandma cleared her throat. Cas didn’t continue, which usually meant it wasn’t a bad stop. But also the others were trying to keep it under wraps, meaning it wasn’t a good stop either.

“Is everyone okay?” His voice was husky, trying to choke down the anger bubbling to the surface.

“Yeah, it’s fine,” Cas said. “He had forgotten we were having family over for the next two weeks. He wasn’t thrilled and didn’t want to see them. So he found one of the cash stashes and took off.”

Dragan looked between his siblings, Lucas and Alice staring at the table and Leon and Casmir giving each other a look. His cousins stared at the table.

“That it?” Dragan clenched his fists.

“Yep.” Leon looked at him. “You’ll be here throughout the week, right?”

“Of course.” Anger at his father was replaced with anger at having to deflect his extended family’s questions for two weeks. America was the answer to their prayers, and having family there was a huge status symbol. What they did with it was half of that, and Dragan regularly disappointed them with his lack of a degree, salaried job, and girlfriend.

“Go sit, Dragan.” His mom gently pushed him to the table, where Lucas kicked a chair out for him. He took the seat, Alice playfully kicking him in the shin.

“Alice, stop,” he grumbled.

She sighed and stood, grabbing some bread from the counter and buttering a slice. “I think you need to get laid, you’re so uptight,” she said through a mouthful of bread.

His brothers laughed, heating Dragan even more. He didnotneed his baby sister talking about his love life. “That’s none of your fucking business.”