And the money would help fund Archer and Dragan for life while they worked on other projects. Their app company could hire employees, becoming a production tank for all the app ideas they had stored in notebooks and on their phones.

They could actually change the world.

Their company lawyer had gone over the contract, marking some changes and sending it to them for review before sending back to the buyers — the company behind several of the world’s leading information and connection platforms.

“I think it looks good, D,” Archer said, glancing at him over his laptop.

“I sure hope so, I already put my two weeks in at Will’s.”

“They’ve been waiting for you to quit for years,” Archer laughed. “How’d they take it?”

Dragan shrugged. “I think they were expecting it, since I’d taken off for the two weeks my family was here. But Colton’s dad paid me for two weeks and said don’t bother showing up again, so I can’t complain.”


“You still going to work at the station?”

“You know it. What about you, what are you going to do?”

“Focus on this shit. Do you think the contract will actually pay out over the next year?”

“Yeah, I do. It’s a contract. We’ll get half on signing, the rest will drip down while they take over and iron out the kinks. Dragan,” Archer smiled at him, “we’re home free. This is it.”

It didn’t feel like it was it, not until the money hit his account.

“Lighten up.” Archer stood, his hands on his waist while he looked around his home. “I think the first thing I’m going to do is hire a crew to build a deck off of my bedroom, overlooking the creek. Then new furniture, and a new car. What about you?”

Dragan had dreamt of this moment for so long. “Pay off my mom’s house, and pay of The Little Prince.”

Archer laughed and busied himself with fixing two glasses of whiskey. “That’s great and all, but what about for you? What are you going to do for you?” He passed one to Dragan, and they held them while Dragan thought.

“I don’t know, actually.” He’d been so strapped his whole life, always working to make sure his family was taken care of.

“Hmmm. You could go on a fancy-ass vacation? Take June with you and be her Instagram boyfriend.” Archer snickered. “Knowing you, you’ll buy a bunch of rare books and call it a day.”

Dragan smirked, realization setting in. “Why not both?”

Archer nodded and lifted his glass. “Why not both!”

They cheered and drank, Archer’s words spinning through Dragan’s head. He had money saved — a lot of money — but he’d always been worried about spending it. He’d been told from an early age by his grandma that spending money before he had money was the devil’s work. Another one of her favorites was hope being the mother of stupid, and Dragan had regarded her stern advice with care.

But he was tired of caring. He was tired of pinching pennies, always worried about how he’d pay rent next or if he had enough to give to his mom. He was tired of worrying about his June would pull herself out of the hole her grandparents had dug, and what would happen to her if she couldn’t.

While Archer ambled about the house, pulling out take-out menus, Dragan checked his back account.

And then he checked resorts in the Caribbean, booking one for a week and buying two plane tickets.


It was another slow day, but for the first time ever, June didn’t mind. She finished her chapter, tabbing down on her document to start the next. Last night, she was hit with inspiration and stayed up plotting her first book. Since the store had been empty all day, she was able to start writing.

She laughed to herself, never imagining there’d be a time when she was glad the store was empty. But inspiration had struck, and the first few chapters were now written.

It certainly didn’t hurt having the other night with Dragan, curled against his sculpted body while he radiated heat like a furnace. She’d always imagined what it was like to be with him, and that night brought her closer to paradise. She couldn’t get enough of his taste on her tongue, the way she fit him like a missing puzzle piece. June knew it was dangerous, stepping through the open door to dating him.

There she was, getting ahead of herself. June sighed and closed out of the book document on her laptop, pulling open the list of books most sold through the store, so she could reach out to the authors about coming to talk and read for the spring event. Before things progressed, her and Dragan really should have a talk about what they were doing, specifically, so as to avoid any confusion or hurt feelings down the road.

The last cold air of March burst through the door, bringing with it Otto.