“Keep her name off your filthy tongue.” Dragan’s voice was a low growl, the hand on his knee clenching and unclenching. June knew enough of the family history to know whatever James had coming his way was more than earned, but she’d never seen Dragan so ready to pounce.

James turned to his son, a sneer marking his face. “You best watch who you’re talking to.”

Dragan stood, his chair falling back beside him. June jumped at the sudden movement, the noise, unsure of what to do or where to look. Dragan’s breathing was labored, his body shaking when she looked close enough.

Jame laughed. “What? I’m here for some cake.”

“I think you should leave,” Tomasz said.

“Well, I heard through the grapevine that someone is due to make the Carter name proud.” He turned to Dragan. “What’s this I hear about a major app sale?”

June froze, looking between the two men.

“None of your fucking business.”

James took a step toward Dragan, who met him with one of his own. They were almost toe-to-toe in the small kitchen, and it was easier to see their similarities. They both stood with a slight hunch, waiting for the right moment to strike. Dragan was taller by several inches and far bulkier, but James had a raw, uncaring way about him that could even them out.

“I think I’ve been gone for too long, if that’s how you think you can talk to me,” James seethed.

“I think if you remember last time you stayed here, you found you were better off not coming back.”

The sickening sound of skin against skin rang through the room. Before June knew what was happening, Dragan had launched himself at his dad in response. He landed a punch before Tomasz managed to get between them, pushing James back down the hallway while Cas and Leon pushed Dragan into the far corner of the kitchen, next to his mom. In the flurry of activity, June stood, desperate to help but not sure how to get involved. She looked around, hearing Tomasz throw James out the front door and Adrianna speaking in soft Polish to Dragan while caressing his face. Alice had her head bowed, Kasia and Nadia holding her. Grandma ambled over to Adrianna and Dragan while the others milled about in the entryway. Tomasz appeared behind them, nostrils flaring.

“I don’t think he’ll come back anytime soon,” he said, looking at his family members before landing on June.

June came to her senses and went over to Dragan, a hand tentatively resting on his shoulder. When he turned to face her, his right eye was starting to swell. But it was the look he gave her that stopped her in her tracks, that made her remove her hand and take a step back.

Raw anger, a sadness that stemmed from embarrassment.

Tears built in his eyes as he shook his head. Dragan brushed his mom away. “I’m taking you home.”

He stormed past June, past his family blocking the entrance, leaving them stunned in the kitchen. The silence was heavy, and they all jumped at the slam of the front door.

Alice was the first to move, releasing a heavy sigh as she finished clearing the plates. Adrianna piled some of the apple cake into a plastic container, passing it to June and giving her a tight hug before pushing her to the hallway. June hugged everyone else on her way out, leaving them to somberly finish the once joyful night. The hallway was dark, lit only by the streetlight streaming in through the living room windows. She opened the wood door, stepping onto the porch. Dragan’s broad shoulder were hunched over, and she gingerly walked over to him.

He didn’t look at her as she sat. She hugged her knees to her chest, staring at a spot on the sidewalk. She ached to touch him, to ask him if he was okay. But she knew him. Now wasn’t the time. Now, he needed to sit in silence. He wasn’t okay, and a pointless question like that would only annoy him further. So she sat and stared, waiting for him to let her in.

But he only stood, reaching out a hand to help her from the steps. He held on tightly as they walked down the street, through the main town, towards her home. They walked in silence, but June didn’t mind. Dragan was still there, still holding onto her. He hadn’t let her go. Not yet, not completely, even if he was blocking her out.

They stopped in front of The Little Prince. June looked up at him, his hand warm in hers. His face was definitely swelling. She tenderly lifted a hand to caress it, but he flinched and took a step backward.

“I—I’m sorry, June.” His voice was hoarse, his eyes not meeting hers. “He came the other day, I should’ve known it was risky to have you over. I’m… I’m sorry you had to see that. That you had to see me like that.”

June shook her head. “You couldn’t have known —“

“Just stop, okay?” He stared at her, his anger now directed at her. June shrank back. “You don’t know him. I never should have risked you being there. I never should have risked you seeing what blood runs through my veins. You don’t deserve that.”

He hesitated and then pulled her into a quick hug before walking away, leaving her in the middle of the sidewalk, staring after him.

June was at a complete loss on what to do as she watched his retreating silhouette. He was walking with purpose, his long legs already turning him down Main Street and out of view.

What the fuck?


New York City rose up around them as Dragan looked through the passenger’s side window at the skyscrapers and store buildings, people rushing to and fro, intently staring ahead with earphones in. Archer was driving, looking for a garage to park the car near their investor meeting. The Financial District was littered with typical business types, and Dragan shifted in his seat. His suit was a touch too small, a leftover from high school, and his shiner was in full force. Alice and Kasia had done what they could with their makeup, but the bruising was still peeking through.

He didn’t belong here.