“Um,” he cleared his throat, confused by how excited she seemed. “My old room, there on the left, where Michael and Leon are staying, bathroom the door after that. And on the right is the guest room slash office, where Tomasz and Nadia are staying.”

“And upstairs?”

“Another bathroom, Alice’s room where Kasia is staying, Cas’ and Lucas’ room, and my mom’s room.”

She nodded, lingering on his face. Thankfully she didn’t ask about his dad, instead moving slowly to the back where the loud laughter of his family was traveling from.

In the kitchen, everyone was either helping with the food or seated around the table. The back door was open, letting some of the heat out despite the brisk late-winter day.

“June!” His mom said with a smile. Nadia gave her a hug and Alice pulled out a chair, across the table from her. With his mom and Grandma at the heads and five people on each side, it was the most tightly packed this table had ever been.

“Can I help with anything?” June looked around, twisting her fingers. She was immediately admonished, and Dragan laughed. His family had welcomed her with open arms, and she fit in so well.

His heart pounded.

“How’s your week been, June?” Tomasz asked, plating pierogis.

“Good, good. What has Dragan been dragging you guys to?”

They all jumped in, going on about a trip to New York City and another to the Dia art museum in Beacon, across the Hudson River. June laughed with them, making jokes and asking more questions.

She fit in too well.

“Okay, everybody sit!” His mom called out. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen her this happy. She looked younger, pushing her sons into their chairs while Grandma set down the plate of pierogis and Tomasz placed the large soup pot in the center of the table.

“Please, let me.” Adrianna picked up June’s bowl and started dishing therosól, a traditional Polish chicken soup. She poured June some red wine Nadia had gotten and then sat down, and everyone started dishing their food, passing around bowls of pickles and pickled tomatoes, the plate of pierogis and a couple bowls with different sauces.

Dragan leaned over and whispered in June’s ear, “Save room, my mom made goulash and apple cake.”

“More food?” June’s eyes went wide. “Thanks for the warning!”

She waited until everyone else started eating before digging in, and Dragan watched as his family laughed and chatted, their voices slowly rising, no thanks to the wine. June’s initial nervousness had completely disappeared. He hadn’t seen her this free in years, and found he was able to loosen up as well. All the bullshit from the last few days was in the past, everything that mattered was here.

Full from the main course and several glasses of wine, they were leaned back in their chairs or rested their elbows on the table. Their faces were rosy, eyes a little glassy, voices dropping to a softer pitch. Dragan rested his head in his hands, a smile playing at his lips. He couldn’t remember the last time his family had been this… together. His mom, Nadia, and Tomasz stood and started clearing plates, June protesting to help but being shut down with a variety of, “You’re a guest!” in two different languages. She sighed but smiled at Dragan, rubbing her hand across his back. She had done this. She had helped bring thing together at his family dining table.

“I hope you saved room,” he murmured. Sleep was settling into his body, and he gazed at her in the lowlight. Her eyes glittered, hair a burnished gold. “You’re so pretty, June.”

“I saved room for you,” she said, waggling her eyebrows and bursting into a laugh. “Sorry, sorry.” She leaned forward, her face inches from his. “Take this however you want, I don’t even care anymore, but I’m so in love. Thank you, for trusting me with your family.””


June was definitely past the point of tipsy, but as she stared at Dragan leaning forward on the dining table, the murmur of his family around him, she couldn’t stop herself. Everything she’d felt for him was bubbling over, and she was going to burst if she didn’t get it out soon.

He smiled at her, his blue eyes almost green in the yellow kitchen light. His dark hair was tousled, body relaxed for the first time she’d ever seen. June wondered, briefly, if it was okay that she’d fit into his family so well from the start. She could feel it, in the way they looked at her, in the way they included her like one of them. His shoulders shifted beneath her hand as he straightened, turning to her. A hand pushed a piece of her hair behind her ear, and Dragan leaned forward to give her a soft kiss on the lips. It was chaste, but he lingered for just a second. June breathed him in before he sat back.

“Who is ready for dessert?” His mom called out, standing in the middle of the kitchen and wringing her hands. “I madeszarlotka. It’s apple cake, you vill like.” She nodded her head and turned around to dish without waiting for an answer. June laughed and gave Dragan a look. He rolled his eyes. Adrianna was a bit everywhere at once, wanting everyone to be happy and taken care of. But she meant well, and when she and Tomasz came back with plates of steaming apple cake slices, June thanked her for her hospitality. His mom waved her off as Lucas rose from his place beside Dragan, and helped with the rest.

June heard heavy footsteps in the hall, and Dragan froze beside her, as did Nadia on her other side. His family continued talking and laughing over the apple cake, unaware of the man that had come from the shadowy hallway and stood in the doorframe. Dragan was like a block of ice, color drained from his face. June tensed, realizing this must be the fabled father he had told her so little — and yet, so much — about.

His dad stood there, arms crossed and leaning against the doorjamb. Those with their backs to the hallway — Leon, Alice, Cas, Kasia, and Michael —- stopped talking and saw what had rendered everyone else completely stock-still.

He pushed off from the doorway, extending his hand to June. “Hello, I don’t think we’ve met. I’m James Carter.”

“June.” She glanced at Dragan before slowly taking James’ hand. He was tall and lean, not quite Dragan’s height and definitely not his build. Lucas looked the most like their father. James’ hair was dark, his eyes brown. Not a warm brown, like summer wood, but cold and empty. She realized they were dilated, in a way that spoke of a seasoned user. Dragan’s jaw was clenched, and June anxiously watched as he held his dad’s gaze. He was coiled, ready to spring from his chair if need be.

Tomasz cleared his throat. “Can we help you, James?” He stood protectively in front of Adrianna, as if blocking her small frame from James could be enough.

The smile James gave was sharp. “Can’t a man come home now and again? Wow, that smells amazing.” He took a step toward the kitchen, and Tomasz moved to block him. The smile fell from James’ face, his voice steel. “I’m getting some cake, Tom. Since it seems you’re having a party here, without me.” He turned to look at June. “I mean, there’s even a new guest, pretty as a picture. June, you said?”