All muscled six-foot-five of it.

Cold air hit her back as his hand slipped under her shirt, clutching her lower back and pressing his hard length into her belly. June ground her hips against him, desperately aching to remove the barriers between them. He didn’t hesitate to join in while his tongue assaulted her, her nose filling with his scent as their hands groped and clawed. Before long they were panting like two teenagers, June’s arms wrapped around his neck while he licked her neck and bit her earlobe.

Dragan released her, slowly, nipping her bottom lip as he went. She caught the wild look in his eyes, one she’d never seen before. Like he was seconds away from eating her right then and there. Like if she wasn’t careful, he was going to drown them both.


Dragan could hardly believe his luck.

June ignited a fire in him and if he didn’t get some breathing room, he was ready to burn her with him.

As evident by the way he pushed her against the side of her family’s bookstore, ready to lift her perfect peach of an ass in his arms while he kneeled and dove his tongue into her core, his brain far behind what their bodies were begging to do.

No. He wanted to do this right.

Or at least as right as any fake relationship. This was to help make things believable in front of his family. Not an excuse to get carried away. He’d already botched their first kiss. Hell, they were both probably tipsy. The last thing he had wanted was for their first kiss to be under these circumstances, let alone the first night he brought her pleasure.

June deserved better.

He pulled away, stroking her cheek with his thumb. Her shirt was askew, her soft breasts pushing through that deep V with her rapid breathing. Her lips were swollen, parted, almost begging for more in the way she looked at him, her fingers tracing the length of his spine, sending shivers through his body. Wanting, needing her to go lower. To hold him in her hands, to stroke and lick and show him what true ecstasy was.

He was buzzing, needing to get the energy out. She’d broken the dam of everything he’d been holding back. Years worth of wants and needs that came rushing out as soon as he tasted those velvet lips, heard the moan escape.

Dragan cleared his throat and stepped back. Her laugh rang out low as she shook her head.

“Um… Well. This is me. Thanks for walking me home, Dragan. Text me.” She leaned forward, cupping one side of his face with her hand and delicately planting a kiss on the other. He sank into her, but she left too quick for him to settle. He watched her climb the stairs, placing his hand over his heart as she smiled at him before entering the apartment and closing the door behind her.

He wasn’t sure how long he stood there, but the cold brought him back to earth. He hadn’t worn a jacket, and the buzz from earlier was wearing off. He gave her door one last look before walking the rest of the way to his apartment.

Climbing the apartment building stairs, he heard Colton and Ruby laughing from inside their apartment across the hall. He smiled, knowing how much happier Colton was now that they were together. Knowing that was what June did for him, and how close he was to having her. He sighed and entered his dark apartment, flipping on table lamps as he made his way to the bedroom. It was quiet, empty, bare. No wonder Archer had gotten himself a dog.

Maybe he should get a cat.

Dragan sighed, undressing and brushing his teeth. His mind replayed the night.

It had felt so good, so right, the way they flirted at Cheers. The way she leaned into him while they walked, as if she knew he would protect her from anything even a small town like Oak Valley could possibly threaten. The way her hands seemed to know his body, the touch that felt best while her tongue explored him.

But would she still feel the same tomorrow morning? Panic gripped his heart. Had he pushed too far? Would she come back, saying it was a wild night with a little too much to drink and a platonic fake relationship was all he’d get?

Dragan steadied himself on the sink.

Of course she would. They’d had a toying attraction for years, it was only natural to test it out. But he knew what she saw in him. A loser deadbeat, working two part-time jobs — almost three, with the app company he was building — and with no degree. He lived comfortably, but saved every cent in case he needed to loan some to his mom, or his siblings. In case someone needed something to get out of a pinch, because his family was fucked up.

He couldn’t be the man she deserved.

He knew it, and she knew it.

He had one more week of paradise, one more week whose memories could last him a lifetime.

And then he would let her go.


June hummed as she re-shelved the Self-Help section, her grandpa working the counter. She was undeniably giddy, and couldn’t keep the smile off her face. She hadn’t even minded her grandma’s questions Sunday morning, or Anna’s update about Molly.

Her phone buzzed, Dragan’s text warming her.

Hey, sunshine. Hope your day is going well.