“No, shit. I was at Arch’s, he told me to invite you.”

Colton’s pretty-boy smile filled his face. “Damn, great minds. Liam texted, saying he was gonna ask everyone but for me to ask you.”

“I was just going to change.”

Colton looked him up and down. “Why? You look fine. C’mon.”

Before Dragan could refuse, Colton turned him around and pushed him back where he came from, making the turn onto Main. The crowd was thick, escaping from The Crispy Crust Pizzeria next door to the bar to the point where the bar-goers were indistinguishable from the pizzeria-goers. Such was life in a small town, where everyone knew everyone and there were no real boundaries between businesses. Dragan sighed as they got closer, Colton walking beside him with a spring in his step.

“Why are you so jumpy, Colt?”

His friend shrugged, a goofy smile on his face. “I dunno, man. I’m just happy. And it’s nice to go out with you guys and not have to play the dating game.” He looked over at Dragan. “Shit, sorry. I know how rough the scene is.”

Dragan shrugged. He’d been off the market for years, even if no one knew it. He’d had a couple flings, but nothing that lasted and definitely nothing that involved his heart.

They pushed through the crowd, entering the bar filled with everyone aged twenty to sixty. Colton pulled him in the direction of one of the two pool tables in the far right corner. Liam and Dean were playing a game as they walked up, claiming two of the high tables and chairs. Dragan gave a nod, turning to scan the crowd. It felt like everyone he’d known from high school was there, except the one person he wanted to see. Cara was in the corner with her posse, shooting glares at Colton’s back — they never dated, but that didn’t stop her from wanting the storybook ending of the head cheerleader and pro-football quarterback from being together. But she lost out to Colton’s high-school sweetheart, the tall, freckled red-head Ruby who came home after ten years and reignited their love affair. There were a few other crews he recognized, several women his friends had been with, several store owners from about town.

Just the same old shit.

Dragan turned back to the guys as Archer and Caleb showed up, Dean passing his pool cue to Caleb while he asked everyone their drink orders. He and Liam took off for the bar, eventually returning with the vices. It was easy to fall into old habits with the guys — they’d been inseparable since Ms. Morales’ first grade class. They shot the shit, shot the balls, lobbied snarky comments on their individual dating statuses. Dragan caught Caleb’s look-away while Colton went on about wedding planning, some chip on his shoulder they’d all hoped would’ve disappeared by now. Dean was scouring the crowd for his next conquest — or conquests, rather — while Liam sat with his puppy-dog smile, happy to listen. Archer scanned the room, not giving two fucks about what was going on.

Just the same old shit.

Dragan sighed and looked around, taking a cue from Arch, hoping that over the last hour the crowd would have changed even a little.

The loud laugh in the back corner, followed by a glimpse of long blonde hair in the low bar lights, rolled through him. He stood from the table before he knew what he was doing, almost knocking over the empty glasses the guys had set down. Archer raised an eyebrow.

“Dude, you okay?”

“Yeah, yeah. Fine. Um —” He looked around, noticing everyone’s glasses were empty. The guys continued their conversation as if nothing had happened. “Who wants more drinks?”

That got their attention. They placed their orders, and Dragan turned to push through the crowd. Or rather have the crowd part for him, one benefit of being stupidly tall.

“Yo, wait up.” Archer’s voice came up from behind. Dragan glanced back, his friend following the path he was making.

They reached the bar, Dragan trying to flag down the bartender while he hunted for blonde hair and a loud laugh.

“Oh, shit.” Archer’s voice was a low whisper. Dragan looked at his friend, who hung his head and turned to the other side.

“What?” He went back to looking for June while he waited for his friend’s reply.

There she was.

He froze, his heart skipping a beat. She laughed again, her back to him. Her friends Anna and Molly stood around her.

“Dragan, let’s go.”

“We haven’t even ordered yet, chill.”

“Fine, I’ll send one of the others to help you carry.”

“Arch,” Dragan turned to his friend. “What the hell’s the matter with you?” He almost laughed at how nervous his normally steadfast friend was. Archer’s eyes glanced behind Dragan, and he turned to see who he was looking at. All he saw was June and her friends. Molly tilted her head at them and rolled her eyes. June turned around, her smile faltering as she saw Dragan.

Or did he imagine that?

He looked back at Archer, who was struggling to find a path through the crowd.

“Hey, c’mon.” Dragan grabbed his arm and pulled him back as June waved him over, Molly shaking her head and saying something to her. Anna just laughed as both June and Molly got more heated. Dragan pulled Archer along behind him, a dead weight lightly protesting.