His mom was going on in Polish to their grandmother, Dragan picking up how crazy all her kids were but how glad she was to have everyone together, how nice to see Dragan with a girlfriend. His grandmother said something about June being very pretty, and his heart swelled. He pulled her a little tighter against him.


They paid for the mini-golf tickets, Dragan shooting daggers when June reached inside her purse. She blushed, forgetting that things were different now.

At least for the moment. And being surrounded by his large, loud family, she wanted more of it.

She had no idea what his Grandma Zofia said, and she hoped if her face was showing as nervous as she felt when confronted with the Polish, they were understanding. Every now and then Dragan would lean down and whisper something short — and supposedly easy — to respond with. The tickle of his breath on her neck sent her body into overdrive, her mind already working over time to pronounce the words she knew she was butchering. His family smiled or laughed, kindly, and moved onto other conversations.

They made their way out to the green, the nice weather a relief. The wind still carried the metallic hint of winter, but for today the sun was shining, the sky was blue, and the other families there were dressed in desperation for spring. The Carter’s split into teams: Dragan, his mom Adrianna, Zofia, Leon, Casmir, and cousin Michael, and June, Aunt Nadia, Uncle Tomasz, cousin Kasia, Alice, and Lucas.

It was a healthy dose of competition, the two teams neck-and-neck with plenty of shit talk. Dragan would occasionally shoot June flirty winks or eyebrow raises, his siblings and cousins nudging the others in jest and good fun.

As June watched them goof off, full of love for one another even when they tried to ruin putts, she was overcome with peace. It was the first time in years she had really felt at home.

“So, my brother finally convinced you to go out with him?” Alice popped up by her elbow, shaking her from her thoughts. It took June a moment to register what she’d said.

“Well, it didn’t take much convincing. I think maybe I had to convince him.” June laughed nervously. Hiding that they weren’t actually dating while telling everyone they were was harder than she thought.

Alice cocked her head. “How long have you been in love with him?”

“What?” June faced her, Alice’s brown eyes piercing hers.

She shrugged. “I know he’s my older brother, but he’s the only man I’ve ever loved. He stepped up when no one else could. Since you’re the first girl he’s every introduced us to, and I do mean ever, I was wondering how long you’ve been in love with him. And if he’s a trophy to you.”

June stared at her, too shocked to respond. “I— What?”

“Look. Women fall over my brother all the time. I know you guys have been friends since you were kids, but I also know how this goes,” Alice said. “You fall in love with someone you think you see, but then when you see they’re not who you thought they were, the magic fades. I just want to make sure you’re here for the right reasons. No hard feelings, just looking out for my family.”

Anger rose through June as she tried to calm herself. Alice had every right to protect her brother, and it’d been a few years since her and June had crossed paths. She steeled herself, straightening. Alice was still taller, but June needed to set the record straight. “I’ve been there for him through everything — and I do mean everything. He’s been there for me through the same shit. I promise you, I love your brother. But I lovehim— his anger and his hurt, his intellect and his humor. I have a tremendous amount of respect for him. Not some idea of him.” She paused, softening. "He’s the chink in my armor.”

Alice stared back before cracking a smile. “Good. He’s the chink in mine. I trust you.” Her face got serious. “But I swear to fuck if you mess with him you’ll have the whole Carter clan after your ass.” Her smile returned, and she pat June on the shoulder before going to take her turn.

June was still in a state of shock when Nadia came over, giving her a warm smile. Her voice carried the same lilt Dragan’s mom had. “Alice can be a bit hard, but she means vell. We’re all so glad Dragan has you. He tends to be a lone wolf.”

“Yeah, I understand where she’s coming from. If I had siblings, I’d be the same way.” She gave Nadia a shaky smile, stopping herself from correcting Nadia’s lone wolf comment. Dragan was a lion, looking out for his pride. That’s why he was alone. Not by choice, but by necessity.

“How long have you been together?”

June watched as Michael took his turn. “We’ve been friends since we were five, but we only recently started dating. How about you and Tomasz?”

Nadia smiled — June assumed from the mispronunciation of her husband’s name — and watched the mini-golf game. “That’s really good. Friendship is a strong base. Tomasz and I met in high school, but we did not start dating until after university. Best decision of my life.” As if he heard, Tomasz looked up and blew Nadia a kiss. She blew one back, their kids rolling their eyes. June met Dragan’s gaze, the pull in her heart unmistakeable. Like it knew she needed to be by his side at all times, and ached any time they were apart. Even across a room. Or a mini-golf course.

“Polish men are different, June. Dragan is American, yes, but Adrianna raised him with values from the old country. They dote and the good ones worship. Know what you’re getting into, and if you don’t feel the same, be kind and let them go. Yes?”

June nodded, watching as her best friend laughed at something Casmir said, his hand patting his brother’s shoulder. He glanced up and caught her eye, not breaking the connection as he said something in Casmir’s ear and starting prowling toward her. He moved with such assurance, like he knew he could claim her anywhere he wanted. Nadia had left her side at some point, leaving June to face Dragan alone. Her knees went weak as he stepped in front of her, broad shoulders shielding his family from view.

“Hey, you” he whispered.

“Hey, you.”

“You doing okay?” His hand went to her neck, thumb tracing the line of her jaw.

June nodded, staring into his ocean-blue eyes. “You?”

“Better than ever.” He gave her a cocky grin, his fingers wrapping around the back of her neck. She leaned into him as Michael pushed between them, throwing an arm around their shoulders.

“Hey, lovebirds. Sounds like our team won — sorry, June — but we’re going to break for lunch. Pizza okay?”