“Yeah, sorry. Maybe next time.” June heard the phishing in her Grandma’s question. After the last time they talked about Dragan, June was hesitant to give her any more ammo.

“Hmmm.” Missy stared at her. “Well, I hope whatever boy you’re seeing appreciates you.”

June rolled her eyes. “I can’t wear eyeliner to see my girlfriends?”

“Honey,” she chuckled. “I was young once, and I know you. You asked me to cover for you today, even though you love overseeing the Teen Book Club. It’s not even 11 a.m. on a Friday and you’re wearing make-up.”

June’s cheeks burned as she packed her make-up back in the train case on top of her dresser.

“Juney,” her grandma’s voice was soft. “I want you to go out. I want you to have dates and a first love. I want you to wear eyeliner and party with your friends. You don’t have to tell me everything, but I don’t want you to hide either. I love you, and I’m here for you.”

“There’s nothing to hide. Thanks for covering at the store today,” June said, avoiding her grandma’s gaze by checking to see she had everything in her purse.

Her grandma sighed. “Of course, honey. Just please text me when you get where you’re going and when you’re on your way. Will you be home for dinner?”

“Um, I’m actually not sure. I don’t think so but I’ll keep you posted.” June gave her grandma a small smile, unable to help the worry that filtered in when she saw how tired her grandma looked. Her grandma just wanted her to be okay and to be happy. June gave her a long hug. “I will, have fun today with Pop. I love you.”

“I love you, sweet girl.”

Missy left, and June took one more look in the mirror. She didn’t have much of a style, but jeans and a cute floral tank were hard to go wrong with. Even though it was March, New York was known for having multiple versions of spring — they were currently in the middle of the second one, deemed Spring of Deception. It didn’t fool anyone, but it was nice to have a break from the winter bite if only for a day. And June was just desperate enough to take her chance. Slinging a raspberry-colored cardigan over her arm, she checked her phone. Ruby had confirmed their meeting for next week, Molly asked about going out tomorrow night with Anna, and Dragan had texted he was on his way.

The butterflies were involuntary, as they’d always been when she saw or heard his name. But these ones were laced with something different. June didn’t know what to expect with this day, with this situation. But it was also something different from her monotonous life. Whatever happened, at least she’d done it. She’d taken the chance.

June smoothed her shirt and checked her make-up, releasing the breath she’d been holding. Grabbing her bag and giving her cat a quick ear scratch, she went down the hall and gave her grandpa a kiss in the kitchen. She went down the stairs, exiting the building and waved to her grandma through the store window.

And there, pulled over on the street, was Dragan’s car.

There was only one way to move forward, and that was to jump in.


Dragan sat in his car outside the bookstore, hands sweaty against the steering wheel.

It was just mini-golf.

Okay, mini-golf with June. And his mom, his siblings, and his family from Poland. Including his grandma.

He took a deep breath. It was just mini-golf, with every person on this planet that he loved.

He glanced at the passenger’s side, seeing Ruby through the window. He grabbed the box of chocolates he’d left on her seat as the door flew open, June sliding in beside him. She brought a wave of vanilla and old books with her, filling the small space. She smoothed her jeans, propping her white Keds on the dashboard. Her tan shoulders glowed underneath a floral tank top, her blonde hair pulled back in a French braid, a pinkish-purple sweater wrapped over her arm.

She bit her lip and gave him a nervous smile. Dragan immediately felt relief wash over him. Sure, this fake relationship was new territory for them. But it was June. His best friend, the only woman he’d ever loved, the only person outside his family that had really seen him for who he was.

“Hey, you” he croaked out.

“Hey, you.” She released a deep breath. “You ready?”

“Born ready.” He gulped, and thrust the box of chocolates at her. “I, uh, I thought you might like these. Consider it a thank you for putting up with my crazy family.”

June laughed. “I’ve met your siblings and your mom before, you didn’t need to get me anything.”

“I actually think this box only covers dealing with my mom, so be prepared for another thank you gift at the next outing.”

“Whatever you say, D. Thank you.” She ran her hand on his bicep, the shock of her fingers sending goosebumps down his arm. June quickly put her hand back in her lap, opening the box. “Want one?” She held it out and Dragan’s eyes darted to her lips. Her pink tongue wet them, begging him to draw in closer. His breath haltered, moving his gaze back to her face. Wide eyes greeted him, her breath shaky.

This was going to be harder than he thought.

“N—No, I’m good,” he said. “Thanks.”