Great. When did she ever get embarrassed in front of him?

“You’ll get it, they’ll understand. But my aunt and uncle brought my cousins, Kasia and Michael. They’re super smart, went to college and stuff. You’ll like them.” He cleared his throat and went back to shelving the books in silence.

June glanced at him before following suit, hyperaware of the shift between them. She couldn’t help but feel he was letting her in, in a way he hadn’t with her before

Whatever they wanted to tell themselves about this being fake, a friend helping a friend, June was going to have a hard time ignoring all the signs pointing to something otherwise. And based on how pulled back Dragan had become, she suspected he felt the same.


The two-bedroom apartment on the nice side of town was affordable and recently Dragan’s friend Colton had taken over the apartment across the hall, bringing a great living situation that much closer to perfect. Dragan looked down at his grey joggers and green tee filled with holes he’d gotten for free from some college recruiter more than ten years ago. The best part about having one of his closest friends across the hall was not having to leave the building or worry about what he was wearing when he wanted to shoot the shit.

Dragan surveyed his office, bare except for a desk with multiple monitors and a single large bookcase. He’d lived here for several years and the paint was the same as when he’d moved in with a single suitcase. He’d stolen away in the night like a thief, hoping to avoid his dad on the way out.

It hadn’t quite worked out that way.

He fingered the books from June on the desk. They were the most sentimental things in his stark apartment, other than all the other books June had given him and the box of trinkets he’d kept from their high school days, when they’d slip notes in the halls or at the back of classrooms. Dragan was smart and had been in all the top classes, following the same twenty-some-odd students for all four years. He was just the only one who hadn’t gone to college, despite being fifth in the graduating class.

Not like a degree would’ve done him any good, he probably would’ve gone to the community college or local state university, staying in Oak Valley just to make sure his siblings found their way out. Hell, even Colt went to that school and ended up back here, as had Archer and June. But just because he didn’t go didn’t mean his siblings shouldn’t, and he’d thankfully convinced everyone except Lucas and Alice to get some sort of higher education. Even if he had to be the one who filed for student loans on their behalf.

At least they’d have opportunities that he didn’t.

Dragan sighed. This app had to fucking work. He couldn’t be stuck at ground zero, working at Will’s Auto part-time and running a mediocre web developing gig on the side.

He needed something big, something great.

Something to prove to everyone he wasn’t just some loser.

Turning off the screens, he turned off the lights and walked into the living room and kitchen. Same white paint, same secondhand furniture he’d found for cheap or free online. Except the sofa; that, he bought new. Fabric from other peoples’ houses grossed him out, and he wanted to make sure his friends were comfortable when they came over. Which was rare.

But still.

He opened his fridge and wasn’t surprised to find it empty except for leftover pizza. Grabbing a slice, he wolfed it down before grabbing his keys and heading across the hall to Colt’s.

“Hey, man.” Colton grinned, leaving the door open and going back to his couch. Dragan closed the door behind him and unlaced his shoes, placing them on the shoe rack. The apartment was laid out almost exactly like his, only… warm. Lived-in. Dragan wasn’t sure what Colton’s style was before moving in — his post-college rich ass always lived in furnished high-rise apartments or his childhood bedroom at his parents’ — but he chalked up his friend’s current taste to that of his fiancée. Since Colton was set up with money from his pro-football days, he could buy anything, and the quality of furniture lining the space spoke volumes.

The dark navy walls helped the small room feel cozy, while a natural wood coffee table and shelves warmed it up. The white couch was framed by two gold velvet chairs, while plants and books adorned every available space. A patterned rug and an antique mirror across from the window brightened everything, especially in the daylight.

Colton pulled down a wall panel, revealing a hidden bar area topped with fine liquor. “Want something to drink?”

“Please and thank you.” Dragan’s body sank into the plush sofa while his friend grabbed two Baccarat crystal tumblers and filled them with whiskey. Knowing his friend and taking the first sip, he could guess it was one of Macallan’s single malts. It was warm and slightly fruity, Dragan picking up notes of citrus and cinnamon while it burned his throat. He might not have money, but Colton was more than generous to those in his circle and had good taste.

“So… How’s it going, D?”

Dragan’s feathers ruffled at the nickname June had given him coming from someone else’s mouth. “It’s going.”

“I know you’re a man of few words,” Colton chuckled, “but I did help QA your app. And I see the way you and June look at each other. So… just checking in.”

Dragan shrugged, taking another sip of the amber liquid. Colton liked to cut to the chase. His body was hot, muscles tense, his defenses rising. Privacy had kept him safe his whole life, and he still struggled with opening up to anyone but June. Even to Colton.

“Well, I spoke to Archer yesterday,” Colton said. “I know some people who know some people, and I think I could land a meeting for you guys. Investors or buyout, I’m not sure. But it’s the least I can do for you saving me from countless drunken brawls in our early twenties.”

“Yeah, maybe. Is the app ready?”

“I think so. I sent my notes to Arch, but they’re minor. Things that wouldn’t impact the value, ya know?”

Dragan nodded and took another sip while Colton sat with him in silence. They had one shot to sell this thing. But if there were errors, even minor ones… the stone in his stomach sank. There was no way it was good enough for the sale he needed. Even without the errors.

“Dude, I know how you are. Stop.”