Glenn stood, limping his way to lead them out. As they walked back to the car, Liam shook Colton’s hand and chuckled. “Thanks, man. That was one of the easiest deals I’ve ever been a part of.”
“My pleasure, thankyou.”
“Okay lovebirds, we get it. You guys both rock each other’s socks off. Can we go get pizza? I’m starving,” Katie said, sliding into the backseat.
They joked around on the ride back to town, but Colton wasn’t concentrating. Tomorrow was the Festival, and his heart was ready to beat out of his chest. He had one more gift to pick up, and it felt the most important.
Ruby was running around the lot, checking in with the vendors and Kissing Booths. Everyone was running on fumes, despite the festival being a little halfway through. She looked up at the sky, thankful the weather had held during the day, even if the clouds moving in were starting to block the brilliant orange-pink sunset.
The next band was starting to set-up, and Macy was attempting to help them sound check. The parade had been a huge success, even though only six business had contributed a float. Given the interest from the businesses that hadn’t participated, and the six already being more than they’d initially figured, they would have to make the route longer next year.
Because of course Macy had already started planning for next year’s Festival while the current one was still going. And of course she needed her ‘right-hand-wo-man’ to help, as Macy called Ruby.
Ruby had been so busy running around, she hadn’t had a chance to see if she recognized anyone. She thought at one point she’d seen Dragan — he was so fucking tall, he stood out like a sore thumb — but when she looked again, he was gone. Better that way. Where he was, Colton was likely to follow. And she didn’t need his distraction, even if her body said otherwise.
Even if she wanted to ask about the medical bills.
“Ruby, did you do that pulse-check I asked you to do? How’s everybody feelin’?” Macy popped up behind Ruby’s right shoulder, sending her jumping.
“Yes, yes I did. Half the vendors will be running out of stock in a matter of minutes, but that may be best — we can reconfigure the space to be more of a sit and relax, buy food at any of the local restaurants and eat while you enjoy the show.”
“Amazin’, Oh, darlin’, what would I do without you? You’re a dream.” Macy gave her a quick hug before darting back into the crowd, disappearing as quickly as she appeared. Macy had turned out not half-bad, becoming almost like a second mom or maybe a grandma, and Ruby felt a twinge at judging her so harshly when she first moved back.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you, darlin’.”
Ruby froze at the deep voice, husky and low in her ear. The rest of the world fell away as she tried to steady her breathing, trying to focus on his. She could sense the wide expanse of chest behind her back, without being pressed against it. But knowing it was there, her body needed it. Called to it. Craved it.
“Well —” her voice cracked, and she took a shaky breath. “You seemed to do just fine the last week or so.”
“Turn around.” Soft, but commanding, Ruby had no choice but to obey. She kept her eyes trained on his chest, basking in the power radiating from him. This was not the Colton that had left Oak Valley. That Colton had power, but it was untamed. It was wild, acting on impulse.
But this? This power was controlled. This power stalked, hunted, found its prey and played before devouring.
And Ruby was desperate to be devoured.
She slowly raised her eyes to meet his, her knees wobbly at the way he looked at her. Hungry, but like he’d feed her first if she said the word.
“The last week or so, I had some things to sort out. But the ten years before that? That nearly killed me.”
Ruby sucked in a breath, waiting for him to continue. He bent his face low to hers.
“I have a very important question, Ruby. It doesn’t need an answer. Not now, not even anytime soon. Not ever, if that’s what your heart desires. But I need you to know that everything I ever felt for you, from the time we were fourteen until the day I die, was true.”
Ruby’s whole body shook, from lust or fear, she couldn’t tell. She didn’t care. He was so close she could kiss him, and she started to lean forward. Just a taste…
Slowly, Colton started lowering himself to one knee.
Colton felt his knee shake the entire time he was lowering onto it, but he needed to do this before his knee decided to give out. It saw him to the hard pavement, sharp asphalt gravel biting into his leg. The people milling about had stopped and gathered around as soon as he started lowering, but he wasn’t seeing them.
He didn’t give two shits about anyone except the goddess before him.
He gazed up at his angel, her brilliant head of fire backlit by the last remnants of a golden sunset. The clouds stood at Colton’s back, and flurries drifted around them and caught in Ruby’s hair. Her hazel eyes went from shock to lust to love, her hands trembling as she watched him. He pulled his hand out of his pockets, the smooth leather of the small robin’s egg blue box in one hand a reality check for what he wanted, needed, to do.
Holding it up, he popped the lid. Ruby gasped, the crowd of onlookers following suit. He imagined the single large Tiffany diamond was shining brilliantly in the gold light, but he was too transfixed by the woman before him. He took a deep breath, trying not to fall back on his slightly-rehearsed speech.