Colton scoffed. “Scared? Of being trapped in this town forever? Hell yeah.”

“No, dipshit. Of losing her again.”

“I mean,” Colton said, taking another drink. “Of course. But we were just seeing how things played out, we weren’t… together, you know?”

Dragan shook his head. “But weren’t you? Haven’t you always been?”

Colton stared at the worn coffee table, turning the glass in his hand. Given the way he still felt about her, had felt about her, after all these years said something. And based on her reaction tonight, Colton would bet money she was harboring similar feelings.

He downed his drink, the spice easier to take since he was halfway drunk, and banged the glass down on the table.

“It doesn’t matter. I’m leaving for San Francisco, and she’s staying here. We tried, but it didn’t work out.”

“If you say so.”

“What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?”

Dragan shrugged his wide shoulders and gently set his glass down. “If you really want to give up, that’s on you. Personally, I think it’s a mistake.”

“That’s rich, coming from you.”

“Mine and June’s… relationship… is different than yours and Ruby’s.”

“Yeah, you’ve never had the balls to try. I have — twice. You know what, thanks for the drinks, Dragan. I’m gonna call it, I’ll catch you later.”

He pushed past his friend, knowing he hit a nerve at the way Dragan clenched his jaw and didn’t say anything after Colton forcefully opened the door and slammed it behind him. It was too late with Ruby — ten years wasn’t enough to change things. Obviously, since he’d fucked it up both times. So he’d do something he hadn’t done before, and he’d run. Far away. A new town, a new state, a new career. He didn’t need this fucking town or the memories it held. He didn’t need his bright-eyed red-head with a gap-toothed smile and a skin full of stars

No, not his.

Hadn’t been his for over ten years, even if the last month made him feel otherwise.

It was too late.

Colton sat in his car, knowing he was just past the point of driving safely home, and called his sister, the only person who would pick him up without judgement.


Jesus Christ, Colton was a piece of work. Dragan knew he himself wasn’t a walk in the park, but at least he could keep his anger in check.

He preferred a slight undertone of existential crisis, anyway.

But Colton knew how to dig, how to find the weak point and slice it like a jugular. Dragan had valid reasons for not risking things with June — their friendship was built on twenty-three years of late night talks, family fights, funerals, study sessions, and book sharing. Even mentioning his feelings for her could tear all that away, and Dragan would never be ready to lose it.

He grumbled, cleaning up the drinks mess, knowing Colton would regret his decision. It may take a week, or a few months, even a couple years. But just like how he was able to fill the void Ruby left with football and fame, even ten years later he came back.

Dragan knew he would again, but this time Ruby might not want it.

Peering out the street-facing windows, he saw Katie pick Colton up in the light of the street lamp. At least he had sense enough to not drive in the state he was in. Dragan had been worried about him driving even before he got there but mix that with alcohol and there was no telling what the damage would be. Katie peered up through the car window and gave a small smile before peeling off.

Well, he’d started the night off well so he might as well end it on the same note.

June responded quickly, saying she’d be over in ten. It helped she literally lived down the street and her grandparents were usually in bed right after dinner. Dragan finished tidying up, trying to ignore the welling in stomach, the anticipation of her coming here. He’d always been nervous around her, but over the last couple years it had intensified.

A knock at the door grounded him, if only for a moment, before he opened it to the beautiful blonde. June bounced into the room, kicking off her low heels and throwing her coat on the dingy armchair beside the couch and giving him a quick hug. He watched her, tight black jeans hugging her delicious curves, the silky black halter showing off her defined arms and back as she reached into his cupboard for the drink glasses he just put away. Her shirt lifted as she reached, displaying a sliver of smooth skin. Dragan averted his gaze, hoping his cheeks weren’t as red as he felt.

“D—Do you need help with that?” He needed to pull himself together.

“Nah, I got it,” she said, turning to him with a smile, her mission successful. June set the glasses on the counters and pulled down the whiskey, pouring a healthy amount into both tumblers. Handing one to him, her eyes pierced his, the greens dancing blue in the low light. She clinked her glass gently against his.