Annette said they moved up their work timeline and needed a decision by tomorrow.
Colton pocketed his phone.
In, out. In, out.
Leaning his hands against the counter, bowing over the water glasses, his mind raced. This wasn’t supposed to happen this way. None of it. He wasn’t supposed to lose Ruby, and then his football career. He wasn’t supposed to still love Ruby over the last ten years, or lose her again. Not so soon.
He was supposed to have more time.
He didn’t know how he would tell her, but he did know he had to do it tonight.
But first, he was going to cuddle the fuck out of the love of his life. He was going to try and hold her in a way so she would know exactly how he felt, what she meant to him, even if he might end up breaking her heart.
Ruby took her and Colton’s emptied plates and put them in the sink. When she turned around, Colton was leaning against the island, chewing the inside of his mouth and staring into space.
“You okay?” She leaned against the other side of the island, her stomach forming knots.
That was his‘I’m thinking something serious and need to say it’face.
Although the old Colton would’ve carried it with him for days, Ruby was learning the new Colton was much more forthcoming.
“I —” He dropped his head, staring at the counter instead of her. “I need to tell you something. And I know I should’ve told you sooner. I thought I had more time to figure it out.”
Ruby tried to stifle the electricity zipping through her, the slight shake in her hands, the quickening of her breath. Her mind immediately flashed to Cara. But he mentioned time being a factor…
Her face blanched. “Colton, look at me.”
He did, slowly.
“Is it what I think it is?” Her voice was shaking.
He cocked his head, worry spreading across his features. “Given how you look, I really don’t think so? What do you think it is?” He started to walk toward her but she held up a hand.
“D—Does it have to do with… Cara?” Ruby could hardly get the name out, her throat tightening around each letter.
But the look of relief and confusion on his face was comforting, and he resumed trying to get to her, but Ruby took a step back. She needed to hear what he had to say.
“Cara? Absolutely not. Ruby, I’ve never been interested in Cara. I’ve never had a fling with her. I actually told her off at Cheers the other night. Why would you think it had to do with Cara?”
Ruby sat in his words for a moment, taking them in before shrugging. “I know you guys have been… close over the years and you mentioned time…”
Colton looked horrified and tried to reach for her again. She let him hold her arms, but she wasn’t ready for a hug. And she couldn’t meet his eyes. His announcement may not have to do with Cara, but it was still something big. Something that the pit in her stomach said was life-changing.
“Oh, Ruby. No, I know she hangs on me and flirts with me all the time but —”
“Years, Colton. Since we were fourteen. But go on.”
“— but trust me, nothing happened. I’ve never been interested. Okay?” His finger tilted her head up, and she saw the truth.
Ruby nodded. “Okay. But you’re still not in the clear. What’s going on?”
Colton sighed and let her go. He paced the kitchen, running a hand through his hair. She crossed her arms over her chest, wishing she had a blanket fort before the battle started.
“I have a job offer in San Francisco under my idol, French chef Pierre Hermé.”