But hey, at least he’d think on it. Ten years ago, he hadn’t believed in himself enough to follow his dreams. He still didn’t, at least not fully, but he was open to it. And that was something.

He pulled into her driveway, the car jostling no matter how slowly and carefully he went over and around the potholes. She tried not to laugh at his grimace — she knew it was a bit frustrating, especially with such a luxury car instead of her mom’s older sedan — but Ruby thought it was a little funny he cared so much.

When he parked, she unbuckled but didn’t move to get out, turning to him instead.

“Stay with me tonight, Colton.”

He releases a slow breath before catching her eye. “Are you sure?”

“I wouldn’t have said it if I wasn’t.”

Colton chuckled. “As you wish. You go on up, let me call my mom.”

Ruby pecked his cheek and obeyed, trudging through the old snow up the slight hill to the front door. She took off her coat and tip-toed down the hallway. Her mom’s door was shut, the TV still going. She knocked first and turned the knob, opening it slowly and calling fro her mom.

Beryl was buried under many blankets, remote in hand. Ruby froze but noticed the soft rise and fall of her chest. She crept over to the bedside and gently sat down, pushing a sweaty strand of hair from her mom’s forehead. Her mom cracked her eyes and gave a pained smile.

“Hey, baby.”

“Hey, mom.”

“Everything okay?” Her voice was hoarse, and Ruby handed her the glass of water from her nightside. Beryl weakly pushed herself into a more seated position, Ruby fluffing the pillows behind her while she helped settle her mom.

“Yeah, everything’s great. Colton drove me to IKEA, we just got back.” Ruby winced at the use of Colton’s name, knowing her mom wasn’t his biggest fan. But she just pressed her lips together and gave a tight smile.

“That sounds nice. Want to do takeout tonight?”

“We were thinking pizza, but that might be hard for you.”

Beryl managed a weak laugh. “Oh, they have soup. I’ll have some pasta e fagioli, although it won’t be as good as mine.”

“Other people’s food never is,” Ruby chuckled. It was something Ruby had always said and her mom always denied, and it was nice to hear her mom play around despite looking so worn. “How are you feeling? Can I get you anything else?” She placed the back of her hand on her mom’s forehead. No fever.

Beryl shook her head. “I’m okay, just tired and sore. Maybe some more water in a bit, but I’m enjoying just dozing. You’ll let me know when the food gets here?”

“Of course.”

“Thanks, Ruby. Tell Colton I say hello, and apologize to him for me I can’t come out.”

“I will, but no need to apologize,” Ruby said, patting her mom’s arm. She knew sometimes rubbing could make her feel nauseous, and she was sure if her mom was oscillating so fiercely between being hot and cold, and in pain, she probably didn’t want to be hugged. Ruby closed the door softly behind her, hearing kitchen cabinets open and close.

“What’re you looking for, Chef?” she teased when she entered the kitchen and he was rummaging through the fridge.

He whipped around. “I figured I could make dinner or something.”

Ruby shook her head. “I’m too tired, let’s just do take-out. I told my mom pizza and she asked for soup. Oh, and she says hello and sorry she can’t come out.”

“She shouldn’t apologize, she’s sick. Is there anything I can do?” He closed the doors, his bulging arms finally free from his winter coat.

Ruby licked her lips.

She wanted, needed, a distraction.

And the hunk of a man before her would do just the trick. Ruby kept her eyes on the ground and walked toward him, taking her time, ensuring extra hip-popping along the way, before stopping right before him and lifting her to his. Her hands teased the waistband of his pants, her fingers walking up the center of his abs until she reached his neck.

The quickening rise and fall of his chest gave her all the information she needed, but the expanding ridge in his jeans didn’t hurt. Ruby curled her fingers around his neck, lifting his chin up while she licked his neck, tasting every inch. She swirled her tongue around his earlobe, imagining it was his cock, and lightly pulled her teeth back down the column of his neck. He shuddered against her, his nipples hardening beneath his shirt. Ruby lifted a knee and pressed it gently but firmly against his growing dick, eliciting a moan from him that sent a wave crashing between her thighs.

Wrapping her fingers in his hair, she pulled his face down to hers.