It should have sounded arrogant, like he was issuing a decree and expected her to fall in line. And it was that partly. But all Nush could focus on was the solemnity to his words and the overwhelming urge to set some kind of boundaries on her own expectations. Self-preservation was a bitch.
“Will you promise that you’ll never lie to me? That you won’t stay in this arrangement for some sort of twisted honor that dictates that you can’t desert me? That you’ll see me as an equal—not Rao’s granddaughter or the woman who gave you OneTech or the girl you rescued a long time ago?”
“Yes, to the first and second. The’s not easy to separate you from all those things, Nush. And stop calling it an arrangement.”
“I need time, Caio. I can’t just jump in like you. I...”
“I want you heading OneTech with me. I want you in my bed, beneath me, giving this your everything.”
A full body shudder overtook Nush as that very vivid image hit her.
When he grinned in response to her reaction, Nush decided she’d like nothing better than to unravel him too, bit by bit.
Whatever path this took, she’d at least solve the complex mystery of Caio. She’d learn every inch of him, inside out, until her fascination with him was gone, until there was no unknowns left between them.
In the meantime, she was simply going to enjoy the ride.
Thick towels in the same navy blue of the sheets, a first aid kit and something else was dumped onto the bed. And then Caio was kneeling at her feet, squeezing his big body into the space between the bed and the chair.
His damp white shirt proudly displayed the hard musculature of his back, tapering down to a narrow waist. The man was too beautiful for words.
When he gripped her calf and tugged one stubborn shoe off, she let her torso pitch forward and pressed her breasts to his back, as if for support. The sensation of those hard, jutting shoulder muscles and bones digging into her soft flesh was indescribable. Nush bit her mouth to bite off the moan that wanted to escape.
He stilled instantly, like a big jaguar scenting prey.
“So this...” she searched for something to say, something to poke his steel trap mind with, “trip is kinda like a honeymoon?”
“No.” His fingertips were featherlight on her calf.
“Why not?”
“This isn’t a proper honeymoon. More of a work trip. I will take you on a real one as soon as our schedules let up a bit.”
“In all the years I’ve known you, you’ve never taken a day off,” she said, half laughing, half shocked and all too overwhelmed at the matter-of-fact resolve in his words.
“I will do everything to seduce you into giving me this, Princesa,” he said, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. “You should know that.”
Golden-brown eyes held hers and Nush trembled. But she refused to let her fears hold her back anymore. For so long, she’d wanted this right to touch him as she pleased. To run her fingers through those thick locks of hair and sift through them.
She did it now, shamelessly, tracing her fingers over the plane of his forehead, tugging at his hair. He bowed his head, as if he was a present to be unwrapped for her pleasure. A half growl, half groan rumbled up through his chest. “I’d protest more if it weren’t for the happy pills numbing my chaotic thoughts.”
His fingers busied themselves with the other shoe, gentle but firm and all Nush could think of was how those fingers would feel on other places that were desperate for his touch.
“I didn’t think you were the type to delude yourself, Nush. The pills don’t make you amenable to something you’re against. Theymaybelower your inhibitions.”
He straightened on his knees, bringing his face level with hers. One thumb traced her jaw, moving back and forth, his gaze glittering with an intensity that burned through her. “But as set on this as I am, I will give you time to get used to it.”
“What does that mean? Are you going to cockblock me again?”
The corner of his mouth lifted up in a parody of a smile as the pad of his wicked thumb danced at the edges of her lip but never really landed. “How did I not know that you had such a dirty mouth?”
“You don’t know a lot of things about me,” Nush said, trying to act coy and failing miserably. It came out husky and needy and...hoarse.
“You’re right. I’m looking forward to being enlightened.” Pushing up to stand, he drew her to her feet. “Now, let’s get these wet things off you.”
“Are you going to make us wait then?” Nush asked, arresting his hands that were busy with the waistband of her leather skirt.
“Wait for what?” he asked, looking just as distracted as she felt.