Grabbing a napkin and wiping her fingers, she sat back in her seat and studied the man in front of her.

Anger and something else made her itch for a fight. Outrage that he was playing dirty? A strange satisfaction that finally, finally, she was seeing the true Caio? A cocktail of emotions thrummed through her and she wanted to keep drinking it. Just when she’d finally accepted that the kiss was how far he would allow it to go.

She’d stayed in her grandfather’s leather chair long after he’d left that night, arms tucked around her knees, fighting the urge to chase after him. Fighting the urge to get in his face and make him acknowledge that while she’d started a tender exploration, he was the one who’d turned it into a carnal caress. Telling herself that she didn’t regret kissing him. Not for a moment. Not ever.

Even now, if she closed her eyes, she could remember the bite of his teeth on her lower lip, the tight grip of his fingers as he’d tilted her head back for better access, feel the echo of his growl reverberate through her limbs.

She’d kissed other men in search of that spark, to prove to her body and mind that it was habit, or comfort or some undefinable quality that pulled her toward Caio.

But even with his golden gaze burning holes through her composure and determination, steely arrogance etched onto his every feature about how this was going to play out, Nush knew things had changed between them and it sent a thrilling shiver through her.

She’d spent years studying every nuance in his face and she knew his tics. Her heart rabbited in her chest.

It was in the way his gaze had swept over her bare shoulders and legs when she’d walked toward him. In the way it lingered just a fraction of a second longer over her lips when she’d licked the jam. In the way he even sat now, stiff and tense, as if he was consciously containing his movements.

Whether he’d act on those baser instincts driving him...she couldn’t take a bet.

She lifted her coffee cup and took a sip of the smooth brew, wanting to poke at his control. “Do you know that what you’re doing is called cockblocking?”

His eyes came alive with a wicked, devilish intent that said he was ready to play. He kicked one leg out and leaned the other foot on top of the first knee in a move that spoke of pure dominance. “Is that why you’re going on this trip with a bunch of brats? To chase cock?”

Her cheeks burned fiercely at hearing that word on his lips but she couldn’t retreat. Not now, when it was finally on. “Did you think I’d bury myself in the lab and cry over your rejection? It’s lust. And who knows? Maybe it’s just a product of exposure and proximity and convenience. I have spent hours locked up with you in that lab. I’ll just have to find a new channel for it.”

Caio flicked at an imaginary speck of dust from his collar. “I have to tell you,querida, Peter doesn’t have the greatest reputation in that department.”

“Peter and you are not the only fish in the sea.”

Anger tightened the rugged planes of his face. “So you just want to make a host of bad decisions, that you won’t even truly enjoy, in the name of living it up? Run away from your commitments?”

Ire shot through her. “I’d never turn my back on contractual obligations. And it’s not due for another year. I’ll start work on it in six months. Get your piece ready, then we’ll put it together on time.”

“That borders on arrogance given that it’s the most complex project you and I have ever taken on.”

“Then it’s your fault, isn’t it? You taught me too well.”

A glimmer of a smile appeared on his grave face. And for a second, he was the man she trusted the most in the entire world. “And you’re the one who insisted that project planning team provide sufficient buffer period, Nush.” Something glittered in those golden eyes. “You’re intent on running away at the most critical juncture of OneTech’s existence. You leave me no choice but to think it’s because you’ve been denied what you think you want.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. I know what I want.”

“Throwing a tantrum when you can’t have your way, I’d expect something like that of Yana. At least she doesn’t pretend to be anything but who she is.”

And just like that, he delivered a truth that Nush didn’t want to face. She couldn’t even say he was manipulating her because he was telling her nothing but the truth. “Don’t, Caio.”

“Don’t what? Make you face reality? Tell you that I can’t afford to walk away like you, Princesa? Or to act out like Yana. Or to hide from it all like Mira. I can’t do whatever I please.”

“You’re as ruthless as people claim you are.”

It was almost as if he was glad for the aggression between them. Glad that he didn’t have to pussyfoot around her now that she’d openly attacked him. “You’ve seen nothing yet, Nush.”

Then he pushed off from the table, dismissing her as he did any other employee who didn’t please him. Showing her that opaque hardness, the ruthless will that could reduce someone to a quivering mess.

“I’ll hate you if you force me to stay, Caio.”

He stilled, his shoulders tense. Every line of his body radiating displeasure. “Then you prove my point, Nush. You’re no more grown up now than you were when you fought Rao and me about your Mom being sent to a care home permanently, even knowing that you couldn’t look after her daily. Than when you used me to fight your battles with Rao.”

His words made shame burn through her, rooting her to the spot. Even the warmth of the sun felt harsh and judging on her face. He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, drawing a response automatically and mocking it. “Run away if you must, Princesa. But let’s at least agree that you’re definitely not ready for anything with me.”