“She trusted the wrong person,” Garcia said.

“What’s her prognosis?” Laura Lee asked.

“The doctors have told her family that she may suffer permanent brain damage as a result of the overdose that slowed down her heart rate and breathing to critical levels for an undetermined amount of time,” Shepherd said.

Laura Lee was disgusted by that. So unnecessary. If only they’d gotten through to her. Jessica had been a victim, too. And from what they could tell, she hadn’t actually done anything illegal yet. Laura Lee was sad for her and for her family.

“Do you have any updates on the four FBI Agents shot at the university?” Mike Rogers asked.

“The last of them was moved out of intensive care this morning,” Shepherd said. “The four of them were lucky you were on site.”

“Has anyone given up who the shooter was?” BT asked.

“Negative,” Shepherd answered. “But the FBI and a whole host of other alphabet agencies will have their turn with Zhou to try to get that information.”

“My bet is on one of his armed security guards we met at his place last night,” Garcia said. “Or that guy who got away.”

“We have officially closed our involvement in this case,” Shepherd continued. “The phones and laptops confiscated from the Chinese students have been packaged for shipment and are being sent to the FBI. I have notified Burke that Saxton’s family is safe and to return them home immediately. Again, good job, team. I need Cooper and Doc to stay on the line and Jackson, Garcia, BT, Lassiter, and Saxton to remain. Everyone else may go.”

Charlie Team logged off and the others all left the room, including Dupont. He was sure the next meeting had to do with her Operator training, given who was kept for it. She was told it would take approximately a month for her training to be complete, but with the holidays and vacation time that would be granted, he was sure it would extend until at least the first of January. He smiled at this thought. She’d be here for at least the next six weeks. Now, he just had to get a hold of her schedule and see what he could do to match it. He’d been mostly overnights in Ops for years. Certainly, he deserved a courtesy day shift for the next month or so.

“Saxton has requested full Operator training,” Shepherd announced after the door was closed.

More than a few of the men looked surprised, including Cooper. “What changed your mind?”

She made eye contact with the camera in the monitor and then with Doctor Lassiter. “I want to be a valuable member of the team and I don’t want to ever be in a situation I can’t handle.”

Lassiter smiled and nodded. “We’ll talk about that more in a meeting in my office this afternoon.”

“I assumed we would. I look forward to it.”

“Doc also has to sign off on you, medically, before your training can officially begin,” Shepherd said. “With that being said, there is reading that covers policies and procedures that must be completed that you can begin now. BT with this training commencing, we’ll be keeping Saxton at HQ until probably the first of the year.”

BT nodded. “Glad you’re moving forward with the training. We’ll miss your expertise on the PGP Installs though.”

She smiled at him. “Thanks, BT. I’ll miss the PGP Team.”

“Doc, as soon as you return, schedule Saxton’s return to full duty medical exam,” Shepherd said.

Doc nodded.

“Just like for everyone else, Coop, you’ll give her training in advanced hand-to-hand skills.”

Cooper grinned. “If I remember correctly from a year ago, you did good in the basic physical combat skills area I gave you training in as a new employee.”

“You were a good instructor,” Laura Lee said.

“Lambchop, will cover firearms and ammunition, and also training in explosives,” Shepherd said.

“It will be my pleasure,” Lambchop said.

“Razor, you’ve got knife and unconventional weapons training,” Shepherd said.

“Not sure how much she needs,” Garcia said. “She did good with the knife to Geiger’s throat.”

“She didn’t hesitate,” BT added.

“And Jax will conduct the policies and procedures training. Get Saxton the schedule. Keep in mind everyone will get a week off around Christmas.”